So yeah... Welcome to my blog. This is my little piece of the world where things that are on my mind (and probably shouldn't be) get dumped. Keep in mind that to read this is to take a peek into my brain and sometimes I don't even like to be there so beware. If you think I am talking about you, take a minutes and ponder why I might have a thought about your that I'd want out of my head and understand that I put it here so that I didn't go off on you! Anyway, have fun reading!
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Crazy Customers...
1. She dresses like she's Ghetto Beyonce on the run from the paparazzi. Everytime. Over sized shirt and ripped jeans with big sunglasses and a big coat.
2. She gets the same thing EVERY TIME but she claims that it's for her boss. Well sort of. The first time it was for her boss. Then it was for her pregnant boss. Now it's for her boss's kids. This Boss went from not pregnant to pregnant to having kids that are able to eat an 8 inch turkey club calzone ON THEIR OWN in the space of like a year.
3. She claims her boss is a germaphobe who will come in and throw the food at us if we don't use gloves anytime we come near her food.
I totally understand germaphobic people but our ovens are 455 degrees. As far as prep is concerned, we wash our hands and anything that might have been on our hands is burned off during the 7 minutes it's in the oven and we ALWAYS put on gloves to put lettuce and tomato on the sandwiches, but it's not enough for her. We have to wear gloves to get it out of the oven, we have to wear gloves to carry it to the make line to get the lettuce and tomato and we have to wear gloves while boxing it, putting it in a bag and handing it to her.
Normally she is pretty chill and we crack jokes about her and keep trucking but today she was a little off her game. I don't know, maybe she went somewhere where they refused to cater to her scrub your skin until it squeaks and then put on a fresh pair of gloves every time you come near my food requests but she was in rare form today...
First off I might need to add the disclaimer that I opened the store this morning so I was there at 8 and that I decided to skip my usual Starbucks and do today without my serious caffeine. (Seriously, I think I'm getting an ulcer and not just in my wallet) So I was approaching tired, I had already written up two employees this morning and fielded two angry customers and the ever tiring L before she came in...
I personally decided to stay away from her since I wasn't really feeling the whole quirky thing today. I knew right off that it was going to annoy me more than amuse me today so I didn't even throw my hat in the ring. Ivan handled her. I went to take the pizzas for the three orders before hers out of the oven. She sees me at the cut table and starts banging on the counter screaming at me to wear gloves.
AGAIN, I was uncaffeinated. I looked at her and said "I'm not even near your food yet." and walked away. Understandably, she didn't like that. So when F was going to put the lettuce and tomato on them (I put them on the paper and wrapped them... screw the gloves. We have shrinky dink gloves and that oven is 455 degrees have you ever tried to remove quick melt plastic from skin?? It's not fun...) F had just washed her hands because she'd come from the lavatory. But Crazy Kim didn't see that so when F went to put on the gloves, she started screaming at her. F however was on a phone call on her bluetooth so she didn't realize that Crazy was screaming. She saw me motion her back to the sink and because she respects me as a supervisor, she didn't say anything as she went back to rewash her hands. Sometimes I love F. BUt the fact was that she was screaming at us over gloves.
Like I said, I don't know if she went somewhere and the refused to cater to her whims and she was taking it out on us but she's just about read the end of the patience of the staff of Hungry Howie's Sugar Creek. We take a lot but there's only so much we take. I think I might talk up the university store and suggest she go there...
Insert evil laughter here...
Thursday, August 20, 2015
I'm tired... so tired...
And the sad thing is that I don't mean that in my funny haha always sunny in Claudetteland kind of way. I am totally serious. I'm tired.
I'm tired of being the one that everyone comes to when they need something. Like seriously everyone. If you need it, ask Dette, she most likely has it and even if she doesn't have it, she'll find a way to get it even if it puts her account negative, her gas tank in the red and her sanity in the trashcan. She'll do it. She'll drop everything and do what you need.
I'm tired of listening. Tell Dette. Dette will listen. She may say uh huh and yeah and Mmm a few times making you think that she's half ignoring you and therefore letting you vent on and on and on but trust me, she hears you. And her brain is working overtime trying to figure out a way to fix it for you. Or help you fix it. Or find someone that can help you fix it. She hears you and she's wracking her brain trying to help you. She has a million other things that actually concern her to think about but there's not time for that because she has to fix it for you. Because you're her mother/friend/brother/cousin/dog's babysitter's groomer. You matter. You matter more to her than you know so she has to help you. Because you matter.
I'm tired of taking fifteen steps forward and getting knocked back twelve. NOt quite behind where I started but still so close I can see where I started from. I got a raise at work. Awesome right? No. Not awesome because along with my most fantabulous raise, I got less help that I've been getting.
I admit it, I'm on Food stamps and section 8. But because I got a job that is paying me decent money, they have cut my food stamps. Again. First I was at six hundred eighty. Then they cut it by $80. Then I got the job and they cut it to $387. Then $363. Today... today I found out that they've cut me to $266. My section 8 has raised my rent. I' not saying how much online but it's not a pretty number and it was an unexpected jump. I came home yesterday and found out that my Gas had been shut off so we're taking cold showers.
But my kids need school supplies. My kids need food. I have pared my bills down to the bare minimum and still I can't get ahead. My paycheck has been going to fill in the blanks for the Gas (Which apparently I failed at since they shut the crap off) Electric, and rent because the child support caseworker that was assigned to my case can't seem to actually do her job and get my child support reviewed. I have been getting three hundred for five years. A lady came into the store the other night and she had the same child support card I have and we got into a brief conversation about it. I told her what I get and she told me that she makes $1500 plus on her kids. First off she annoyed me because no lady, you don't make that money. The man or men that you laid down with is supporting his kids. But still... Mine is based on temp jobs that my ex was doing years ago. He now has a $32/hour a job and she swears she can't find his jobs company in the database. It's the FAA. The Federal Air Administration. Out of Washington D.C. But she can't find it.
I'm tired. I'm tired of being unexplainably head over heels for a guy that doesn't see me as a human being much less a woman. I'm tired of listening to everyone tell me about their sex lives while I'm over here trying to get some and coming up woefully short. And I do mean short because I took a chance and put myself out there and the guy... he was smaller than my pinky and couldn't get it up. He used his fingers like a jackhammer and by the time he was done, I was in so much pain that moving for the following week took extreme concentration.
I know I've said this before, but people out there who are in relationships and have single friends... WE DON'T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT YOUR SEX LIVES!!!! AT ALL!!! Chances are we are so wildly jealous of you that we would knock you into unconsciousness and mount your guy to fix our problem in a heartbeat. I personally don't have any friends that I would knock out to steal their men. But still.
I'm tired.
I'm so tired.
I just want to sit down and not adult for awhile.
Monday, July 27, 2015
Dear him...
I watched Robin Hood Prince of Thieves the other day. I haven't been able to do that since last September. Everytime I tried, I remembered you kissing me up my wrist and the events that happened afterward. That doesn't happen anymore. I got to watch and enjoy the movie for the first time in almost a year since you left me.
I went to the mall the other day and you know what? I parked in the same parking lot where you first kissed me. It has been a solid year this week since I have been able to even walk in that parking lot without remembering or tearing up because I remember that first kiss. The first kiss that had me walking on cloud nine for weeks. It might seem like a small accomplishment and really nothing at all to anyone else, but I parked there. And I went into the mall and didn't think about you once.
I enjoy baking again. I don't think about how you liked my brownies or how your roommate liked them and my cookies. I don't have thoughts that maybe I should swing by your house and leave some wrapped in in your mailbox just to let you know that someone is still thinking about you.
Because I don't. I don't think about you very often and for that I am glad.
The huge gigantic hole that you left in my already bruised heart isn't quite so big anymore. I might be able to give it to someone some day and give it to them only slightly bruised but with no hole.
I don't have to look at the floor the few times I think of you because thinking about you makes me cry.
Since you left, I have cried more than I have in years.
I never knew why I cried. Even after you left. I still don't know why, but I don't cry.
I can work Friday and Saturday nights until closing and enjoy myself while I'm there because I'm not waiting to get out of there and go hang out in the parking lot talking with you or kissing you. I'm doing my job and enjoying almost every minute of it with the knowledge that there's nothing in the parking lot that I'm running for.
Parking lots at night are no longer my silent cold enemy. A parking lot is simply that. A parking lot.
I don't want you to think I am being cruel because that is not my intention. I actually want to say thank you.
You kissed me. You held me. You actually lifted me off the ground. You talked to me about things you didn't talk to anyone else about.
For those brief few months. I didn't feel awkward at kissing or scared to death that I wasn't doing it right. I didn't feel fat because you could lift me in the air without groaning. You made me feel every bit like a tiny teenager. When you wrapped your arms around me, I felt wanted. You taught me how to make out in the backseat of a car. You made me feel special.
For those brief few months, you made me feel like I meant something. So I thank you for the time. I thank you for the experience. I thank you.
But that's where it ends.
Maybe one day we might be friends again and who knows maybe one day you might be the one to evoke that special feeling in me again. I doubt it but who knows what fates plan is? If we end up as friends I am happy to call you such. If not, I'll be okay.
Thank you.
And goodbye.
I've been away for a long time
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
So... yeah...
Okay, that's a flat out lie. I have had stress. A fair bit of it. Most of it caused by one person. She will remain nameless for the sake of this blog.
It's all good. though, I fixed my facebook so that she can't see anything about me, not even when I'm online and then I created her about twelve times in the Sims and killed her in some pretty nice ways. Let's see, I trapped her in a pool and took away the ladder. She drowned to death. Then I put her in a 2x2 room with now windows or doors and no toilet. She got hungry, pissed herself and then died. I hit her with a falling satellite, I hit her with lightning, I set her on fire and I gave her pneumonia and wouldn't let her rest. For that death I actually plead with death for her return which made us like best friends and then I broke the computer, took away her mechanical skills and made her fix it. She electrocuted herself. I even gave her an honorable death by flies. I think the most awesome was I had her go on vacation, meet a random guy ( I couldn't make her actual fiancee... I like him and for what I had She fell madly deeply in love and married him and then I killed her with fright. He left her tombstone in the middle of a vacant lot. She haunted no one.
You know... seeing all that in writing, I realize I might have a few anger problems. Just a few. Very small ones.
But the most important thing is that I'm good to work with her again. Something about killing off a fiction representation of someone that you are extremely pissed off at that really makes you less angry at them.
So in other news, I am now a shift leader at work. Tonight I had my first mock run of closing the store. I am 80% sure that I won't burn the store down tomorrow on my first actual closing.
Okay 79.9999%....
I'll be fine, I got it. I have a while bunch of people that believe in me and are willing to help if I need it. I'm all good.
So really nothing else is new.
I started smoking again. I admit that hoping that it will make me stop but since stress has decided to camp out so have the cigs. They aren't budging and I'm not pushing.
Also, I really need to purge myself of my attraction to this really hot guy that I have fallen into the Friendzone with. And not even the really awesome friendzone. I could totally handle being in the friends with benefits zone. But how do I say that to him? God help me I tried to say it. He came over before the movie the other day and promptly laid out on my bed and dammit it was all I could do not to just jump on the bed next to him. I was a good freaking girl. Dammit Dette. Dammit dammit dammit. Now I know why guys hate the friendzone. Ladies, if you have guys in the friendzone, give them a hand up. Give them a handjob. No one deserve to be in the friendzone. The friendzone sucks. Period.Eliminate the freaking friendzone and make it the... I don't know... Still friends but you can solve a little problem for me from time to time zone...
I will make myself not like him. I will make myself not like him. I will not troll Tinder this Summer... Or maybe I will troll Tinder this summer. Maybe I will meet a bit of fun... Summer can't be all about work can it?
I'm going to watch an episode of the new Sailor Moon and then go on to bed. I need to be well rested for tomorrow night.
I will not make the other employees riot.
I will not burn the store down.
I will make it out of there with my sanity.
I will stop saying these stupid as hell affirmations to myself...
Pray for me y'all... Just pray...
Monday, May 18, 2015
Okay so let's recap the past 18 hours...
At seven ten, Olivia comes in to wake me and make sure I get up because they have the dentist in about twenty minutes.
We will call that Walking Dead: Level Mom.
Of course this picture was taken AFTER I walked outside to hear the water STILL running but this time noticed that the neighbor in the house just slightly down the hill now had a huge puddle for their yard. The guy with the perpetually green yard lives one house over from them so for him to flood their yard the house between them should have a lake for a yard as well but they don't. I walk around my house and realize that it's MY water that has been running for I wanna say at least 16 hours now... Can't wait to see this bill. Someone had unscrewed my hose and turned the water on at full blast. I don't know who and I don't know why but if I ever find out. As me if the cops will be able to hold me off.
Get the girls to the dentist and surprise they are the first people there. This never happens. THe woman says that this week is testing that's why it's dead and I'm one of the few parents with school age children who kept their appointments for today. I asked the girls when their testing ebgan and they said Tuesday so I'm good. The woman says to me that she called and reminded me about testing and gave me the option to reschedule.
She called me at 8 am. How many people do I have to tell that I am not one of those people that's up and At 'em at 8 am. Having a conversation with me at 8 am will only bite you in the ass. It won't bite me because I won't remember it and if I was supposed to show up somewhere and you didn't reminds me when you were assured I was coherent, it will bite you. Trust me that it will never bite me in the ass...
Left the girls to get some food because I was now still only partially awake and my stomach was demanding I feed it. I went to The McDonald's on Freedom. Never have I ever been in a more ghetto McD's. And I have known this place was this ghetto for years now but whatevs... The woman behind the counter screwed up my order so freaking bad her manager gave me a free sandwich. This may or may not have been totally because of that since I've known the manager there for about five years now and maybe once every six months she slides me free food when I order. Whatever. Then the cashier says to me that she likes my t-shirt (I was wearing the one that says I'm sorry for what I said when I was hungry. Can be found here.) BUt just as I'm about to tell her where she can find the tshirt to buy one herself, she says "BUt your boobs are too big to be going without a bra."
It is at this point in the blog that I should point out that I happened into the McD's the one day that Old Men's club had decided to come in and sit ALL ALONG THE BACK WALL for a chat n chew. no less than 15 old senior men heard her say this since she wasn't exactly quiet. Also, what appeared to be a Mommy group (Like four young women and a few babies) sitting near the doors. They all heard this comment.
Sort of wide awake now, I contemplated being the badass New Jersey bitch I really am deep down and giving her about 90% of the anger building inside which was not all her fault but I didn't. I stared at her. I may r may not have opened my mouth and closed it a few times but when nothing came out, I just walked away. Took my food and walked away. I figure that this was God reaching down and telling me that today was not a good day to go to jail.
Came home and crashed. Hard. Got up and went on FB. One of my friends posted a video of a teacher breaking up a school room fight by taking off his belt and whipping them... View Video here. I commented and said outright that the teacher was wrong. As of 2:32 pm on 5-18-15, the comment thread read as such...
Tuesday, May 05, 2015
I am so very very very over today and it's JUST a quarter to six!
That's all I want to know. Just Why? Why is that when I FINALLY find a happy spot, circumstances have to pull me back down??
So Sunday Morning, my favorite cousin in the entire world passed away. This was not sudden, it has been expected for awhile. But still, she was my other mother. The things a daughter should know that my mother didn't teach me, Floreine did. And when I didn't learn them fast enough, she whipped me up the stairs. Yes, you totally read that right, she whipped me up the stairs. (See I come from a generation that got the bejesus slapped or spanked, or in my case, whipped out of them when they thought they had the right to talk to adults like they were adults when they were still kids. Today's kids don't know anything about that because now parents get in trouble for smacking, spanking, and whipping... it's called child abuse. No! It's call home training and discipline! Look it up Child protective services! It's in the freaking Bible. Spare the rod and spoil the child I.E. Handle that shit while they are young and they won't turn out to be turds as adults! Sorry... tangent rant...) She was... I mean... they say that cousins are a person's first best friend in life, She was mine. Part mother, part best friend, all cousin, and all mine. And she's gone. She was the one that stood up for me and took my side when I was treated unfairly and believe me I had my fair share of not being treated fairly by the family sometimes. She was the one that stood by me and said I would get my time to shine and made sure I got it. She had my back. She was my Flo Cousin.
So I managed to get Mommy out on the plane yesterday and I was planning to drive out there for the funeral. Again, this was my Flo Cousin. I want to be there to say goodbye. My mother decided that the 15 hour drive would be too much for me. I don't care. This is my Flo Cousin. So Auntie PAt agreed it was too much BUT she offered to fly me out there. Had it worked perfectly. I could leave here tomorrow after work and be there by night, get up go to the funeral Thursday and then fly back. If possible, not even miss work although everyone was cool if I missed Thursday. My Mom decided, that I would be inconveniencing everyone if I did that. They are two hours away from the airport so having to drive to get me and bring me to the family then having to drive to take me back the next day. Looking at putting someone on the road for 8 hours. Never mind that I could call a cab. They have flat rates for airports. Nope, nope, Claudette, you can't go and say goodbye to your favorite cousin because it would be inconvenient for everyone and just to make sure that you understand what I'm saying to you let's throw in "everyone is already down because she's gone, it's not fair to add getting you to the airport to their troubles."
So I'm not going to the funeral. I'm going to sit here. I'm going to work. And on Monday I'm going to pick Mommy up from the airport.
But you want to hear something? Something HILARIOUS??
Mom didn't want to pay upwards of $175 to kennel her cat for the week she'll be gone so guess who has to leave work in NORTH Charlotte to drive to EAST Charlotte to make sure that the cat has food and water EVERY DAY and scoop out her litter box EVERY DAY (because someone spoils her cat and never let's her crap sit in the litter box for more than 24 hours) and then has to drive home to WEST Charlotte EVERY DAY??? Yeah, me.
So ... in the end, no one gets inconvenienced but me. The one that is always inconvenienced. Because yeah... this is how my life works.
And I've held up. I haven't had my true and real breakdown yet. I need to. I really need to. I have had little cloudbursts where I couldn't hold back the tears but I haven't had the big one yet. I can't though because I have my kids right now and I hate it when I cry in front of them because they feel like they need to fix it. No matter what it is, they need to fix it. You can't fix death. Even in Harry potter, one of the most magical places ever, you can't fix death. So no, can't cry in front of the kids. When I don't have the kids, I'm at work. Can't cry at work. Just can't. Cannot have a complete breakdown at work. Even if your boss is one of the coolest guys around and one of your best friends who would totally just stand there and hold you while you soaked the hell out of his shirt. No. Just can't. That's work. Gotta be professional at work.
So I'm not going to get to break.
But I managed to find a place in my mind where I can still function and laugh and joke and be human and this morning my time hop ap on my phone decided to remind me that today was the first anniversary of the day I wen out with John. Yeah him. They guy I kinda fucked over but then I really tried to apologize and he treated me like shit and then he went and quit an every single time our paths cross he looks at me like "drop dead in a painful way" because the one time I went to see his roommate I said I didn't want to see him when I should have said the truth was that I can't see him because stupid fucking me still likes him no matter what I do and if he just would smile at me and kiss me again I would so be in his arms and I know this is a stupid horrible run on sentence but I can't help it and yes, I still like him. I still want him and there's not a damn thing that I can do about it even though when he gives me those drop dead looks a little piece of me dies and spirals away. Yes, I know I'm a pathetic idiot. No, I don't know how to fix myself. If I knew how to fix myself I would. Do I tell myself I can do so much better than John? Yes. Do others tell me I could do som much better than John. Yes. Does my brain believe it? Maybe. Does my heart? Hell the fuck no. If he walked up to me right now and held out his hand and smiled and said "Let's start over." I would hop skip and jump merrily into that trap and never look back. The fact that I can admit that makes no difference to my heart. None.
So I went to work and managed to laugh and have a generally good day despite the fact that one year ago today I went out with the man that my heart really does think might have been the love of my life. It was all good. Got home and kids hadn't done their chores. I can deal. Mother in law texts to ask me if I found a camp for the girls. I called her (first fucking mistake) And told her no because I don't have custody of them. Randy does and he's supposed to be taking them to Oklahoma with him because he's to much of a pussy to inform his job that he has ironclad custody of his child during the summer and either they postpone his training or they find a way to send them with him. (Small aside, two years ago, Randy decided that I was a shit mother and he filed with the state and the county to have full time custody of my kids. He fell through on that but it got put IN WRITING *Which when you put something in writing with the county/state courts, you might as well have chiseled it in stone* that he had custody of them from the day after school ends until two week before school begins. I am okay with this because for about 90 days, I get to be an adult that doesn't have to worry about getting home to the kids. I get to actually have a life.) She says, she thought that I would find a camp and he'd pay for them because he told her that that's what I was going to do wince he can't take with him. (In other words, I have to get up and make sure they get to the camp bus stop and I have to make sure that my work schedule allows for me to pick them up from the bus stop and I have to cook for them and find other stuff for them to do while he gets to spend his days in a classroom and his nights doing whatever the fuck he wants to do. In short, Claudette is still the responsible one that gets to give up the precious little free time she gets... again.) I told her no. I legally don't have custody of them. That Randy does and they if they don't go with him, they will be sitting wherever his new wife Gabby is staring at her all summer because she married him knowing that he had FULL custosy of his kids during the summer.
Insert guilt trip. Or rather, insert guilt trip attempt. The only thing that she managed to do was annoy me. I will not bend on this summer. He made his bed and now he will lay in it or I will go to the courts and have his custody terminated.
And I am sorry if I sound like a whining little bitch right now but you know what?? I'm tired of being the one that everyone shits on then walks away. I'm tired. Plain old fashioned tired. Why is it that to avoid inconveniencing everyone else I have to bend over backwards, forwards, and sideways? Why do I have to be the one that takes and takes and takes what everyone else wants to dump on me and deal with it?
What about me?
What. About. ME?
When do I get to say goodbye to my loved ones? When I get to go out and party without having to come home? When do I get to meet a guy and have sex with him because I don't have anything or anyone else to think about for that moment in time? Am I supposed to wait until my last child is over 18 and away at college? I'm supposed to wait another five years? Is that how that works? I'm thirty fucking five and I feel like I'm fifty. I missed my teens because I had to be the good girl and be with Mommy. I missed my twenties because I had to be the good Navy wife and good mommy. Now I'm missing my thirties because I have to be the good daughter and the good single mom.
I seriously just want to run away for a few days. But I can't. Because I would be inconveiniencing too many people and that's not what Claudette does.
Claudette needs a fucking lobotomy.
Fuck today. I'm going to bed.
Oh wait no... I have to go feed the cat.
Sunday, April 26, 2015
So quickie....
Nothing has really changed in my life. Still no man (I've pretty much given up on that to tell you the truth...), still have an awesome job, and have not yet had a decent night's sleep.
I really honestly thought that blogging about it would help since writing out what's wrong has usually worked in the past but nope. I still feel the bullet, I still feel the car crushing me, and I still wake up shaking, crying, and sweating. I even told my boss about it and he tried his damndest to convince me that it's just a dream. by tried to convince me I mean tried to get it into my subconscious mind because I couldn't get past me feeling it. If I didn't feel it, I would be able to cope a little better. If I didn't have a constant migraine in the exact spot that the bullet hits my head all the time I might be able to convince myself that this is just a dream.
I have to admit, I am almost down to calling Dr. Patel and asking him for a referral to a psychologist... I don't know though... This sounds like one of those dreams that gets you locked up for 72 hours on a psyche watch and or a thorazine drip. The LAST thing I need right now is for medical professionals to think I'm crazy.
Had a bit of a scare yesterday. My neighbor calls and I missed it so I texted her and said I was at work what was up and she responded with CMP which is call me please so I knew it had to be important. My next door neighbor got robbed... again. This is the 3rd time in like three years. On one hand I am so sorry it happened to her, but on another hand that I am keeping behind my back, I am so glad it wasn't me. The first time I got robbed, Randy wanted me to move. The second time I got robbed Randy pretty much demanded I move. I'm pretty sure if I am unlucky again, he will do what he's been threatening to do and tell the courts that I insist on living in a place that is unsafe for his children. You scoff. Yes, he picks and chooses when to act like the concerned dad but the fucker picks and chooses his moments very well.
Sigh... Oh well... It's time to try and get some sleep. I wonder how long I will be able to manage to keep my eyes closed this time. Last night I got about six hours but I got it in 45 minute spurts.
Seriously, I would trade the images in my head for one boring silence anytime...
Thursday, April 23, 2015
I should go to bed.
It's gotten so bad that it's physically manifesting itself on me now. At least I think that it is.
The thing is, I keep having a nightmare that I get shot in the head.
Yes, you read that right. I get shot in the head. Right behind my left ear.
I've had the dream from so many points of view it's almost like watching a crime drama unfold. At first I thought it was a story trying to manifest itself in my mind but when I tried to write the images I saw and things I heard, I started to shake. So violently that I nearly fell out of my chair.
When I see it from my POV, I'm in my car driving on Sugar Creek road just before it turns to Browne road. here in Charlotte. I'm listening to Becky G's Shower and I'm coming around the bend just past Browne's Ferry when I hear a pop followed by the most intense pain I have ever had in my head. Worse than almost any migraine so far and I have had some whoppers. And you would think that that would be where my POV ends, but it doesn't. I'm alive long enough to feel it when my car veers off of the road into a light pole. First I feel the horrible shake on top of the pain in my head and slowly a crushing feeling that comes up from my legs until it merges with the pain in my head and it all goes dark and then boom, I'm awake. Usually in a sweat and more than likely shaking.
When I see it from the shooters POV, and yes I have had that unfortunate happening. He cocks a shot gun and takes aim. I can hear his heartbeat which is eerily calm until he sees the wreckage and realizes that instead of scaring me like I think was his intent, he's more than likely caused serious injury. I'm not sure but I don't even think he realizes I'm dead of that he actually hit me. I never see more than what feels like five minutes. I have also felt like I was me in his brain and I kept on screaming to stop that he was going to hit me and I was going to die but it doesn't matter. He takes aim and shoots.
The most heartbreaking POV is the scariest one of all. I'm nothing. Floating above it all but yet somehow able to move around and see faces. And the face I see scares me so bad.
It's John. And his face just has this look on it that I can only describe and hurt, anger and complete disinterest combined.
A few weeks ago I was making brownies for a coworker and had some an remembered how much his roommate loved my brownies. I called and he said come by. I told him I can't because I don't want to see him. That's what I said. I should have said what I really wanted to say was that seeing him probably would have made me shit my pants because I had had the dream from the nothing POV and my own by then. When I went to take bob the brownies, I already knew that John was the shooter.
Part of me said that I took Bob the brownies hoping to see him to put my fears to rest that he wouldn't look at me with the hate I saw on his face in my dream and I would be okay. What the rest of me was thinking by going over there I don't know. Once I sent the text offering Bob the things I couldn't very well renig....
But then he showed up at work. For reasons I don't care to explain here not that I know all of them but when he walked down the storefronts towards me I froze. To those that had no clue about my nightmare I just looked shell shocked to see a man that I care/d so much about but I froze because of the look on his face. It was the same look. How do you make your body move when you are scared frozen?
I can't do this anymore. I have a constant migraine that spreads from the exact spot that I get shot at. I can't even listen to the song Shower anymore because when she gets to "You light me up inside..." For the last three lunch runs on Wednesday, I have started going down David Cox all the way to Olde Statesville and up to Huntersville because I'm afraid to drive that stretch of road. If I have a delivery that forces me to drive it, I grip the wheel so hard my knuckles turn white and or I speed through there like the devil himself is on my ass. One day I'm going to get pulled over and if he stops me right there...
It's bullshit. I'm mad and scared out of my mind in every conceivable way and blogging about it is my last ditch attempt at making it go away. It fucking sucks that I have no one to talk to that won't look at me like I'm nuts and tell me to grow up or to just let it go. If it was that easy to let it go, don't they think I would have??? If it was that easy to admit it was a dream and move on doesn't reason say I should have done so by now??? So far I've made myself say out loud that it's a dream. I have managed not to show that driving that stretch is affecting me that bad. I've managed to stay talkative and pretend like nothing is wrong but with me getting little to no and broken sleep, I'm pretty sure that my cracking up is imminent.
Have you ever felt like a porcelain doll with a milion crack already on your face and you realize that it's only a matter of time before everything just falls apart? I've become that doll. At this point, I'm waiting for everyone else to see the cracks. That or just waiting for the day when I shatter.
Sit. Worry. Wait. Sit. Worry. Wait.
Well, the sleeping pills I've take for tonight are starting to kick in. Maybe I can manage to stay asleep for more than two hours a click this time.
Please God make this go away. At the risk of never having another original thought in my head again, just make it all stop. The voices, the images, the vivid dreams. I would trade it ALL away for five moments of boring sanity.
Just five minutes.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
So it's been awhile... I'm not going to do a serious blog right now...
1. A king size waterbed holds enough water to fill a 2000 sq. foot house 4 inches deep.
2. If you spray hair spray on dust bunnies and run over them with roller blades, they can ignite.
3. A 3-year-olds voice is louder than 200 adults in a crowded restaurant.
4. If you hook a dog leash over a ceiling fan, the motor is not strong enough to rotate a 42 pound boy wearing Batman underwear and a superman cape. It is strong enough, however, if tied to a paint can, to spread paint on all four walls of a 20 by 20 foot room.
5. You should not throw baseballs up when the ceiling fan is on. When using the ceiling fan as a bat, you have to throw the ball up a few times before you get a hit. A ceiling fan can hit a baseball a long way.
6. The glass in windows (even double pane) doesn't stop a baseball hit by a ceiling fan.
7. When you hear the toilet flush and the words "Uh-oh," it's already too late.
8. Brake fluid mixed with Clorox makes smoke, and lots of it.
9. A six-year-old can start a fire with a flint rock even though a 36-year-old man says they can only do it in the movies.
10. Certain Legos will pass through the digestive tract of a four-year-old.
11. Play Dough and Microwave should never be used in the same sentence.
12. Super glue is forever.
13. No matter how much Jell-O you put in a swimming pool you still can't walk on water.
14. Pool filters do not like Jell-O.
15. VCR's do not eject PB&J sandwiches even though TV commercials show they do.
16. Garbage bags do not make good parachutes.
17. Marbles in gas tanks make lots of noise when driving.
18. You probably do not want to know what that odor is.
19. Always look in the oven before you turn it on. Plastic toys do not like ovens.
20. The fire department in Austin, TX has a 5-minute response time.
21. The spin cycle on the washing machine does not make earthworms dizzy.
22. It will however make cats dizzy.
23. Cats throw up twice their body weight when dizzy.
24. The mind of a six-year-old is wonderful.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
I really and sincerely HATE spring...

I live in a constant red haze of headaches because I cough so hard when trying to breathe that it causes my head to feel like it's breaking apart. I really think the violence of my gasps for breath and coughs are really shaking my brain back and forth and hitting my skull but I'm sure there's some technical explanation for why that can't happen. It just feels like it is. My throat is sore because it's constantly dry from hacking up pieces of my defunct lungs. My nose is raw because I'm blowing it because on top of not being able to breathe, I have allergies. I suck on my inhaler so much that once, when I was sitting at a stop light, I used it like three times in quick succession and a cop pulled me over because he'd been sitting watching the look of calm that I had after each pump. He thought I was getting high. He started pumping my inhaler to make sure that it was albuterol and me sitting there watching my life giving meds being pumped away indiscriminately caused to me to go into an asthma attack and he had to call an emt and explain to them why HE was holding my inhaler while I was having an attack...
I get raped by Spring every year. Every freaking year and all I can do is bend over and take it like a man.
Oh and one more thing I hate in Spring... Baby freaking birds. Cheep chirp cheep all morning long. How's a woman supposed to sleep in when they gather at my window like I'm snow freaking white!?? I swear those things perch on my windowsill and chirp just to annoy me.
I'm not a happy camper bloggers. I love summer because it's hot and I've recently discovered that I kinda rock shorts, I'm cool with Autumn because finally things are beginning to die. Yes, I am the gnarled old woman dancing in glee as the birds go away, the leaves fall, and the flowers die. And OMG! I love winter with a passion because I CAN BREATHE!! It's too cold for anything to live so I have a ball.
But then I get pneumonia like always and end up in bed feeling like I am dying for a week.
But I can breathe!
Dr. Lewis said that If I got Pneumonia one more time she was going to put me on oxygen. I've had it about six or seven times. Once you hit five times having pneumonia you really do lose count. You read my sob story about last Thanksgiving. Not this one that just passed but the year before that. Or was it the year before that? I give up.
Sadly Dr. Lewis is no long at Biddlepoint. I have a new Doctor who is already pissing me off because he won't refill one of my most vital prescriptions. He's messing around with my trazodone. Bad Dr. Bad! Very, very bad! I can't fully blame him, he hasn't been informed that Claudette needs sleep to be sane if if Claudette doesn't get sleep and is not sane, people usually end up crying in a corner. We are not going to impart this last little bit of info to him unless we have to because the very last thing that Claudette needs right now is a 72 hour lock up in a psych ward.
Claudette is going to stop talking about herself in the first person. Kamri would love that. I miss Kamri. A lot. I wouldn't even make car jokes if she came by to say hi. I'd just hug her.
Okay, I'm done complaining. I have to be up for work tomorrow and I am gonna try and keep up with my Qvar so maybe Spring won't ass rape me this year. Livy expressed concern for me tonight. She said I sounded like I was suffocating. I told her I actually am. Little by little I am She stamped her foot and told me no, I couldn't suffocate until I was like a hundred years old...I love my kids!
Goodnight bloggers I love you!
Stay frosty!
Monday, March 16, 2015
Firstly I didn't get out of bed until like noon today. I think the clock said 11:43 so I was still technically in the morning but kinda not. I felt SOOOO good. I rarely get that much unbroken sleep. So I'm getting up and I do this thing where I walk around my house. I don't know when I started doing it but I do it every day. As soon as I hop out of bed, I walk around my house until I inevitably have to go to the bathroom. So I did that this morning and thanks to the really big cup of juice I had last night I made it as far as the living room before my body said walk later, pee now. Anyway, Livy called me and was like can you come over Omi's before work or we can come visit you. I said I had just gotten out of bed and wasn't dressed yet so somehow that meant come home. My mom calls me back and says the girls decided that they want to be at home with you before you go to work. They don't get to spend a lot of time with me now that I've gone to work so it's cool, I get dressed and wait for like an hour because my mom took them back to her house to get their clothes and clean up since they spent Friday and Saturday night over there. They get back and Livy says nothing about putting her bed together. Nothing at all. I let her sit for maybe 45 minutes before I decided, I knew what I was doing since they have the same exact bed and I already put one together, we won't have that wasted time of figuring out what the pictures mean so let's get to it. I mean wow! When she saw me coming with the knife to open the boxes, her face lit up like the fourth of July!
Got all the boxes open and started to put pierces where we needed them when the doorbell rings. Jayden and Mia want Livy to come out but she's like no, we gotta put the bed together. They want to help. Then the next door neighbor came over, for the life of me I cannot spell this child's name right so I'm going to just put Bri. So now I have 5 kids in my house all wanting to help.
I sent them downstairs to play rock band.
Also I remembered that I borrowed Joe's tools and that it had the attachment to go in my drill. Thinking that would speed things up considerably I prepared to use that when I found the ratchet tool. Why has no one told me of this wondrous tool before?!?!? Turn click turn click turn and boom done!! I love it. I love tools. I love Joe for having said tools. Joe is my new hero. So in no time at all I got the ends put together and I called the kids up to help me put the beam across the middle that would hold them together. Click ratchet, click turn, done! Put another bar on and realized I have 20 minutes to get dressed, grab lunch and get to work. Kicked the extra kids out got dressed and boogied out.
Work was work. Folded boxes. Took deliveries. Got out early because I was already in overtime and it was dead. I reiterate my previous statement about it would be livelier in a cemetery waiting for the dead to wake up. Except I had Josh, Josh and joe together make it an interesting night. They tend to forget that I'm a girl and certain conversations don't need to be had around me so I get a healthy dose of what's in boys minds. Throw in Wendy who grew up with boys and lives with her fiance and two boys and it's a freaking laugh riot. But when Joe said I could go I got cause I had to go to walmart before I continued home to finish the bed.
It took until ten minutes ago to finish the bed get the mattress up and on it and unrolled and the bed made. 12 midnight on the dot we were done. Livy got up there and declared she wasn't coming down until morning. I kissed her hand and turned off the light and I'm pretty sure both she and Kayla are out like lights right now.
But the best part was when I was helping them finish the ladder, Livy turns to Kayla and says "We have the best mom on the planet. She's so cool." It took all I had to not sit there and cry happy tears. I mean they say it every now and then but it's usually because I let them stay up to watch a movie or something. This time it was because and I quote, "She did the beds before work and now after work when she's tired. You are so awesome mommy!"
So Livy is now in her first full sized bed. Up in the air. She even loves the cheap as hell mattress from Ikea. That or she was really tired. Either way, I'll get her a mattress pad later.
Have I mentioned that I can stand under these beds and not have to duck? I'm five foot six and three quarters but there is an inch of space between the top of my head and the bottom of the part where the mattress goes.
So now I'm sitting here with cookies and milk which I shouldn't be eating but I need them to relax with before bed. I told the girls that they could get up at 7 which to Kayla means 630 because yeah, the late riser had to have an early bird kid. It's karma biting me in the face for all the years my mom had to resort to banging on the wall and spraying me with cold water to wake me up I get the kid that is up with the sun and ready to play. Jovaughn's get up on no school day schedule is dictated by his stomach. If his stomach says time to get up, he's up until he gets food and then he's down again. Olivia... now that's my child 100%. If there's no school or no reason to get up, the child stays in bed as long as she possibly can. This has gone up to 12 hours. I shit you not, that girl can marathon sleep with the best of them.
So yeah, I'm taking my super mom ass to bed and going to dream good dreams.
Night bloggers!! Stay frosty!!
Sunday, March 15, 2015
I wanna call this a week in review
So Monday... I worked. And it was deader than dead. Like so dead that I'm pretty sure sitting in a cemetery waiting for the dead to rise would have been more exciting.
Tuesday... Uhm... What did I work Tuesday? Oh yeah, I closed. My first time closing with Wheels as a shift leader and it was pretty alright. I had a crapton of late deliveries but by the time I got back from my last one he had pretty much all of my closing duties taken care of in an effort for all of us to get out of there at a reasonable time. So I had told the girls I wouldn't be home until after 12 but I was home before 1130. It was nice.
Wednesday. The first of my long days. 10:30 am to 10:30 pm (which turned out to be like 11:15 because I needed to help clean. There was no way I could leave Josh with that many dishes.
Thursday. Oh. My. God. I got up and prepared for Josh to call/text me because he was supposed to meet me at Ikea and help me bring home both of the girls' beds and help me put them together but due to a serious miscommunication issue, he never got in touch with me. But I manned up and went to Ikea on my own where I promptly had a slight breakdown. The beds the girls wanted came in multiple boxes. Three to be precise. Each one of those fuckers weighed at least 57 pounds. I couldn't get them on my rolley cart to save my life and tears very quickly got the better of me because let's face it, I'm a girl who can be really temperamental and weak sometimes. Plus, Ikea employees are harder to find than Wal-mart employees. It's like playing Where's waldo, only the Ikea version. Finally a worker came over and asked if I needed help. He actually said, "You look like you could use a little help. Which boxes do you need? We'll get them together." This earned him a watery but grateful smile. So he and I got all six boxes on the rolley cart and he left me to get the mattress on my own. THis led to another breakdown because I couldn't find the mattress I needed/wanted/ could afford and when I did, I couldn't lift it. This nice couple took pity and the man put it on my boxes for me.
So I get in line not without some damage to the displays that those idiotic Swedes have sitting RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE self serve warehouse. I mean seriously, those carts are dangerous in the best of hands and they want to put displays out when I'm in charge of driving one?? Anyway, I get in line behind a couple that's pretty much bought an entire wall of cubby spaces and she's talking about how she's going to sit on her butt and let him put it together. The couple that helped me with the mattress as well as three other people got behind me. I get to the register and... IT'S THE WRONG FUCKING MATTRESS. This one is like a hundred dollars more than the one I need. I asked her if I could just pull my cart to the side and run to get the new mattress. I figured if she could be accomodating, I could pretend to be superwoman and not cry. She said no, I had to wheel it around and take it with me because it would be in everyone's way if I left it. The nice now six people behind me assured her in very loud voices that it would not be in their way if I left it but she didn't budge. She then changed tactics to it would be put away if I left it.... for five short minutes. At which point, I am now pissed off and pissed off is not what you want to be when you are already running around Ikea with a very cracked psyche. Cue the mad as hell tears. I was comforted by the fact that three of the people behind me including the couple that helped me with the mattress the first time got out of her line and went elsewhere. I got the correct mattress and went back towards the lines. Again there was some display damage.
I get in another line and the same cashier who made me pissed off cry in the first place is waving me over saying, I can come back to her. I not so politely said no. I probably should have because this cashier look like she was about ten minutes away from the end of her day and she didn't care less what happened. BUt I got the beds to the tune of $790... (huge dip in my account) Cue slight breakdown number three or four. by now I have lost count at my cloudbursts of tears. I had to figure out how to get all this in my moms car. Hehe, I did it though. I got home and thus began getting it upstairs. I was doing pretty good until I reached Olivia's boxes. I stopped on the top step thinking tat it was anchored on a step but no... it wasn't. I watched this box, this 57 lbs box slide down the stairs and out of the door. I cried until I laughed and then I went and got the damn box.
To try and make a long as hell story shorter, It took me about five to six hours after that to put this thing together. I have the black and blue marks to show for it and Kay looks up at this bed and says, "I didn't realize it was that high." I'm 5'6 and I can walk under the bed withut ducking and there's an inch of space over my head. It's a loft bed. It was this high in the store when I walked under it. She saw it then but she had to have the bed. I very nicely told her that there was no effing way it was getting taken down and returned so she needed to get used to climbing that high and she did. By the time I returned from Walking dead night, she was tucked up in her bed fast asleep.
I have to do Olivia's bed on monday.
Friday, very little happened. I could barely move so I filled my big tub with hot water and soaked. It only marginally helped. Went to work.
Saturday night. TOnight... Hmm... You know I like to pretend that my job can't run without me. That if I left they would stop for even a moment but they won't. Just like I like to think that they all like me. I'm pretty sure that among my co-workers I am loved but every now and then we get a new person that just doesn't mesh. We just recently picked up a guy that has been a manager before and hopes to be one again. He was pretty much hired to be a GM one day.
God help the crew that has to work under this SOB. He's rude and petty. And more than a little standoffish. In the past day, I have tried joking with him, but he just looks at me like "little bug, shut up." Today he was pissed off because people weren't tipping him. Oh so sad. He refuses to answer phones and he won't even help customers if no one else can. At one point, Wheels was helpoing me make pizzas and I was busy putting toppings on. A customer came in and he just kept on wiping pans out and ignoring her. In the end Wheels had to stop hat he as doing to go help her. This afternoon, the only people with free hands were he and I. A customer walked in just as the phone was lighting up. I asked him, did he want to help the customer or did he want to answer the phone. HE looked at me with that "little bug go away." look and shrugged and said , "Whatever, I don't care."
Even the customer commented on that. He said "Wow, that's rude." If there hadn't been in any customers in the store, I might have gone off on him for that one but I couldn't. It was bad. I didn't say a word to him the rest of the night. Towards the end of his shift,. Wheels asked him if he wanted to take one more delivery and he said straight out, he had no interest in taking that delivery because if one more person stiffed him he might quit. He doubted he'd even made minimum wage tonight. HE then wiped out the pizza pans and slammed them all down on the pile. And I know he saw how they all made me jump. But he was taking his bad mood out on the pans. By them time he finished the last one I was ready to grab a pan and play pong with his head I was that on edge.
It was pretty cool after than and then I came home. Very little else to tell.
I know that no one;s job depends on whether or not I like them because in the grand scheme of things, I'm a nobody but this guy... he ... he's just... no. I can't do it. He's a sorry SOB and I honestly pity any crew that end up working under him. If some twist of fate makes him a rank over me, I will quit. He will never be my boss.
Okay bloggers, my night med and shoulder meds are kicking in and I've been spelling things all sorts of wrong on his blog. Thank God for the red squiggly line...
Night bloggers! I love you!! Stay frosty,,,,,,
Sunday, March 08, 2015
So my neighbor, whom I really do like since she and her whole family adopted me from almost day two of my living here said to me on Tuesday, "I thinking a party for my friend here at my house. It's invitation only and I have one for you sitting on my nightstand, I just have to find time to give it to you. MAtter of fact, when you get off work, just come on by." What she really meant to say was, "I'm having a get together at my house and IF you manage to get in your driveway before midnight, you sure as hell WON'T be able to get the hell out until sometime Sunday morning in the wee hours that you'll probably be asleep for. We may or may not be loud as hell and we the men that will as always stand outside of my house WILL fill your trashcan with their empty bottles making your trash company think you have a SERIOUS drinking problem..."
That's what she meant to say. I'm pretty sure it is because when I got home at a quarter to 10 tonight, I had to play a rousing game of "Am I going to hit this car? Can I squeeze through? Oh I can, but I'm not going any damn where for the rest of the night."
It's an awesome game. I get to play it about three times a year. I have to say though, this is the first time I have had to play it since I got a job and coming off of an eight hour shift made playing it SO MUCH FUN!!
Oh yay, the guys have decided to compare crotch rocket engines! We're revving them up now... This is going to a fun night.
So how many of you caught all that sarcasm?

Oh well, it kept me from going over and asking my neighbor to keep it down and or move a car or three... One day, there will be a medical emergency in my cul De Sac and there will be a party and I'm pretty sure about thirty cars will be getting tickets and or towed...
(the more I look at the pictures this new webcam takes, the more I like the cam. Also, I become just a little more vain each time.)

LOL, I'm done peeps!! Sleep tight!
Stay Frosty!!
Friday, March 06, 2015
I kinda feel bad about giving them a less than stellar review on eBay now.
So you might notice I have a bandage on my wrist. No, I wasn't a bad girl with sharp knives again. I burned myself yesterday. I was baking a cake and didn't feel anything at all until HOURS later when my arm started to hurt. Like really hurt. I dealt with it all last night mostly because I didn't want to go to the ER and this afternoon, I got up and went to the urgent care in my neighborhood.she kept saying it was a burn and I kept telling her I didn't touch anything hot. Then she looked at my hoodie and asked if I worked ina pizza place and did I ever manage the ovens. I told her yes and that sumbish is 450 degrees so I would know if I had touched something hot yesterday and I was off... She said to me that if I was used to an over that was that hot, my piddly little 350 degrees at home wasn't anything and I probably hit the rack with my arm and never noticed. As a matter of fact, she added, I could probably curl up inside it at 350 and not feel a thing because of my tolerance... So she wrapped it up and made it feel better and sent me on my way feeling like a jackass because I didn't recognize a burn.
Is it just me or does that picture make it look like I'm wearing eye makeup??? I'm not vain or anything but that picture looks freaking awesome...
Er uhm...
God I need this migraine to go away. It's so full blown right now that I can't even sleep it off. If I laid down right now, I just might cry my head hurts so bad.
What else...
Work is going well. There are a few things that are staring to get to me but I can't put them here because well.. it would be petty and just wrong to complain. I mean, I have a job that I mostly enjoy which is more than I had a year and a half ago so why complain. It won't do me any good.
Love life, still zip.
Sex life, still zip.
I'm trying hard to still say life is awesome but at the moment my migraine and the facts in black and white are kinda making that impossible...
But hey, I woke up this morning. There's that.
So after two imitrex, my head doesn't feel like Irish Step dancers are doing a clog dance in wooden shoes on it. I think I;m going to take my butt to bed. I have to be at work by 10 tomorrow so I should sleep this off while I can.

Goodnight bloggers! Stay Frosty.
Friday, February 27, 2015
Just want today to go away...
I don't have these days often but today is just one of those days I would rather end and never be repeated. Ever.
It was all good until I left for work. I left as normal and was driving on Old Statesville when this woman in a white car in the next lane suddenly starts coming over on me. I honked my horn and she corrected but flipped me off as I passed her. Then I get to W WT Harris and she almost rams into me from behind. I might add here that she was on the phone. I opened my door just to see how close she was cause seriously she interrupted an entire lane of traffic swerving to avoid hitting me and I swear on a stack of bibles, I got out, she got out, she began yelling at me something that started with "Bitch!" And then I have no idea what else was said because before I could gather any thoughts that she had just called me a B, she swung and connected with my lower left lip.
What the fuck??? She had better be glad that a trucker climbed out of his cab and broke it up. He looked me in the eye and told me she didn't damage my car and to get in my car and go before the police got there. I don't know if they had been called or what but I think he assumed that I was going to kill that woman or go to jail for trying and he may have just saved me from that embarrassing phone call that started with "Hey Joe, I don't think I'm going to make it to work today." And ended with a request for bail money.
Then I get to work and it's all good until my mom calls and says Kayla is still not feeling well. I love my mom but she made it sound like Kay was dying. I kept saying just wait till I get home I got off at ten but the vibe I got from her was "You need to be here NOW!!" But I couldn't leave because it was rush. I asked Ambs if I could please go because I needed to take my child to the El but she basically said no we're in the middle of rush.
Which would have been totally understandable except for the fact that I WAS TOTALLY UNNEEDED tonight. I was on the oven but Wheels sent me on break then refused to let me back on the oven so I went to the make line but was told flat out that they didn't need me there either and to go to sheet outs which weren't really needed. I went up front to answer phones and take orders but no that wasn't needed either since I tried to ask when a customers order would be ready and I got snapped at so I returned to sheeting since we were dead. I asked once more if I could leave. I didn't really get an answer but like five minutes later wheels told me to go which I didn't ask questions I just left.
And OMG trying to get to the ER during the CITY championship is freaking murder. Half the streets are clogged, the other half are closed and I kid you not, every single light caught me. What was normally a fifteen minute drive took nearly an hour.
I'm so tired bloggers. I just want to go home and go to sleep. I will try to update tomorrow (or Sunday since I work 13 hours tomorrow ) and tell how Kay is.
Stay frosty and pray for me.