So yeah... Welcome to my blog. This is my little piece of the world where things that are on my mind (and probably shouldn't be) get dumped. Keep in mind that to read this is to take a peek into my brain and sometimes I don't even like to be there so beware. If you think I am talking about you, take a minutes and ponder why I might have a thought about your that I'd want out of my head and understand that I put it here so that I didn't go off on you! Anyway, have fun reading!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
So this school supplies thing...
I just went off on a friend because he told me that one, my problem could be solved with a simple trip to the dollar store and that it was supposedly common knowledge that school supplies are common property and then something about as a parent in todays comminuty it's only a small part of what I can do to make sure today's children grow up to be educated adults.
Brace yourself but here's my shining selfish moment. I don't really give a rats ass about other parent's children like that. My children and their needs will always comes before anyone else's children. Now if a friend came to me and said that they needed my help and could I please help them buy buying a few school supplies that's different. What am I supposed to say? Be patient and send your child to school with nothing? That since it's all community property the community of parents will make sure that the child has it? No! I'm going to help my friend and their child out if I can but even then there's a limit to which my generosity extends. If helping my friend and their child detriments my child and I have to make a choice, believe me, my children will win the coin toss no matter if they were standing under heads or tails.
As long as my children grow up to be educated adults I consider my job accomplished. I can't honestly think that Mary Sunshine who's kid sits next to my daughter in school is as concerned with my daughter being an educated adult as she is with her own son.
And Yes, I know this speaks to people not supporting each other but WTFever man.
I come from New Jersey. I come from a time when the little stuff was provided. I am NOT talking about pencils and notebook paper. I am talking about Copy paper and tissues. Exactly how do i know that my copy paper is being used for the class and not for the office to run off coppies of a news letter that maybe three parents out of the school read? How do I know that the teacher is using the copy paper to run off papers for her class. I have volunteered in class and I have seen with my own eyes that when a teacher goes in the copy room to make copies of something for her class, they DO NOT pick up a pack of copy paper out of their classroom supply closet, they use whatever paper was in the copier and should the copier run out they go into the big supply closet in the copy room to get more paper. Anyone can go in that closet. So I'm supplyig to the whole school not just my childs class. My helping support my daughters class just jumped to my helping support an entire school.
Damn that makes me feel like the old lady who lived in a shoe that had so many kids she didn't know what to do.
Let me state this one more time: My problem is not that I was asked to provide more tissues. It is not that I spent seventeen cents on another woman's child. My issue is that I was told that I had to provide said tissues because other parents didn't. That I wasn't told that this is what they were doing. Ask me. Don't demand. Inform, don't assume.
If I could afford it, I would homeschool my children. I would make sure that they become educated adults. That MY children succeed. If I had the money, I would give a damn if there was a person I didn't know standing up on the graduation stage with my child. But I dont' have it like that. Not very manypeople have it like that.
Say what you want. Feel the way you want. But do me a favor, don't tell me what I should do or feel. That's the quickest way to stir my ire and get me to stop smiling and nodding and tell you exactly how I feel.
Monday, September 10, 2012
School supply wars continued...
Livy came home today and said that instead of two boxes of tissues for the whole class from the three students that originally brought them (She never called me BTW) she went out and bought some tissues on her own and they had already used all of them so now parents are being told to send the kids with their oen personal packs as she will not be buying anymore.
I have so many things to say about that. For starters, personal packs are what I normally send but like I said before this year I decided to do what they asked and I sent the box. I knew I shouldn't have. I should have continued to buck the system and do what the hell I wanted to do. For the teacher to tell the children that she would not be buying anymore tissues out of her own pocket... well, on one hand I get that she doesn't want to spend her paycheck on tissues all year considering that if this place doesn't get snow it's a hotbead of undying allergies. but on the other hand her demands seem to be being met by the other parents and she seems to think that she can keep making them.
Another burr stuck in my craw is that as per the supplies list, my mother got each of my girls five one subject spiral notbooks. Now keep in mind that my problem is not the price of the notebooks because they only cost .17 cents each but it would seem that at the first day of school the children were told to put all their notebooks on the table in the back of the room. The teacher then collected them all and assuming that there are 25 students per class and they each brought 5 notebooks that's 125 notebooks right? She took all of the notebooks and handed them out at her leisure. Olivia came home with one that was marked by a smart parent. He or she had written their son's name in the notebook and I can only assume they wrote it on everything else they bought their son. The teacher handed out random notebooks which means that if a child came to class with no notebooks, they now have a notebook curtosey of another parent.
We're back to the tissues thing from a few weeks ago...
I might need to see if Olivia can be moved to another class because this teacher is going to make me show my color before the year is out.
Suddenly, I can't wait to move...
Wednesday, September 05, 2012
Emotional breakdowns...
I had one this morning at five am while sitting on the loo. I couldn't find the first piece of the toilet paper. I am very sorry to report that instead of dealing with the consequences of getting up and turning on the light, I fought with the roll until it won and I cried like a baby. And then I just ripped my nails across it until I had enough paper to do the job.
It's a quarter to eight and my morning already sucks. I can't see how staying awake and folding laundry is going to fix the day. Of course I can't see how blogging to absolutely no one is going to solve anything but at least one of us is laughing. (By that I mean my inner child who this morning sounds like Nelson from the Simpsons. I'm tempted to remind her that she was right there with me crying this morning.)
Ah well, going to get the dolls off to the daily penitentiary known as school.
Tuesday, September 04, 2012
Backache and Spaghetti...
So this morning,I woke up with a wicked backache. It's probably because I have a tendency to sleep curled up in a ball during the night and I always wake up feeling like I imagine the old English felt when on the rack just before their spines popped into a million little useless pieces.
So I popped another two arthritis strength asprin and kept it trucking. Of course it didn't actually kick in till nearly noon so I was behind in today's chores. I got my bed sheets washed and two of my big blankets. I didn't get the plaid comforter washed this time but I did get it washed and not my beige one last time so the balance will he there. I'm going to bed smelling my awesome fabric softener tonight.
I am out of fabric softener and soap. By out I mean I have maybe one wash left. I am not happy. I'm one of those people that actually begin to panic a little when I am without laundry supplies. I mean what will I do if something really messy happens and I can't wash it away?!?!
Stop laughing at me. I know you are. I fired the trained monkey that did tricks so I'm the only laughter target left....
So the re growing mt laundry will have to wait until tomorrow. And I swear I am going to fold and hang it all tomorrow. I need to. Someone please remind me to get my lazy ass up and do the damn clothes...
So I'm going to sit here and finish watching Master Chef. It's a good show I wish I could cook like they do.
So ciào!!
Monday, September 03, 2012
A very very exhausting day...
I have not had.
Seriously I've done laundry, made bread, and cooked but other than that, not a damn thing. All in all an awesome day really.
So, my phone has been curiously silent for a couple of days now. I think I may have fallen off the grid and since I have given up on a certain someone completely I refuse to text him. I mean, its not like I'm going to get a text in return. (give me a few weeks and I will have forgotten about the guy ove given up on like he's forgotten about me.)
I must admit that when I made the decision to move on, I had a moment of feeling like I wasn't good enough. For anyone. I really hate that feeling. Like hate hate hate. The only thing I would hate more would be... Hmmm... I really don't know what I'd hate more hut I hate the feeling. I mean I see women out Herr that really honestly could, IMHO, be serious contenders for America's Next Top Ghetto Posterchild and they are walking around with itty bitty brand new babies which suggests that either some guy was very very ... VERY drunk recently or someone found them attractive enough to look at them twice. Well, more than look at them but you get what I mean.
I talk well, I don't dress like my cootchie is on fire and I just have to to let it breathe by wearing the shortest skirts possible. I don't have my blobs hanging out waiting for some hungry infant to come along. I don't pretend to be thin when I know I am plus sized and despite my serious want for a pair of leather pants.
Yet they have the babies. They have the men.
So I tried to sign up for but they have an income minimum that I sadly, do not meet. Whatever. I'm not over it, but I am so not going to stress it. I don't really want to start an online relationship.
*I was sure had posted this but I guess not.... It's unfinished but there ya go.*