Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Almost a bad night...

So I guess it was to be expected sooner or later.  Once again I wasn't allowed to have a bad mood all to my little old self.  One of my people on Facebook basically cornered me into sort of talking to him.

When I made it clear that I didn't feel like talking at all he turned it around on him and made me the bad guy.

I mean dude! What the fuck?  I'm having a mental crisis over here in my tiny corner of the world but because I didn't tell you that I'm proud of you and congrats on something you did, I'm the big bitch.

Hang on, had to add Bitch to my phone's dictionary... Thought I added that when I added fuck...

So I finally said that I was ending the conversation before it got out of control.  Those actual words.  I didn't want to go off and say what I was really thinking which come on, was really along the lines of, "Fuck you! How dare you try to make me feel worse than I already do!  What the fuck is wrong with you? That's like spraying butter spray on the ledge when I've already got loose footing."

But I didn't say that, I said end it before it gets out of control.

And I intended to leave it there.

So of course two minutes later I'm looking at my newsfeed and see the following post:

"Gotta love how a good day goes to shit all because of one person."

Are you fucking kidding me right now?!? Are you goddam serious?!?  Wait lemme review that conversation... Nope I told you at least six times I did not want to talk and you kept pressing me and when I STILL refused to tell you what was going on you tried very hard to turn it so that the pity party was honouring you.

Wow.  Thank you for being such an awesome friend.   Thank you for putting me on blast to your whole newsfeed.  Maybe you forgot but I used to play the game of inquiring about those vague posts only to find out who hurt you via text.  So the.three people who responded probably now think I'm a bitch cause I'm so pretty sure the whole story wasn't told.

Wait... That kinda went from me telling about my night to ranting at one person didn't it?? Sorry about that.  I never actually mean for that to happen... It just does.

So I coped last night by making myself a drink and watching HIMYM on netflix.  I refuse to let one person bring me to the point of a sniveling apology and begging for their friendship because they decided they were more important.

To tell you the truth, I was a very good girl last night because when I saw his post, my first inclination was to delete him from my Facebook, but I didn't.

I'm having a problem with the delete button these days.  I want so badly to hit it but I don't.  I usually regret it later but I still don't do it when I should.

Know what? I'm going back to bed.  It's a cold morning and I really don't like those.

Have a good day, bloggies!!

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