Monday, October 03, 2011

This motherhood crap is getting old...

Wou;dn't it be really shitty of me if I actually thought that?  Hah!  Mother hood getting old... Like even...

No but it is starting to wear on me a little bit.  Normal wear n tear. YOu know, or at least the ones with older kids know.

All week last week the kids lost tv time, outside time, and play time because they have been treating me like the maid again.  So you would think that when they got it back, they'd be more appreciative of what they'd lost, right?

Wrong!  Big wrong! Super duper, so grandiose you can't see it all wrong!

All weekend, I was constantly turning off the tv and calling them inside to clean up.  All weekend!!  And then I get up this morning and they two rooms downstairs that they are responsible, look like the 2nd Calvary marched through and left as is.  I mean really? 

I asked them if they wanted to grow up to be adults that look back on their childhood and say that I threatened them all of their childhoods.  They said no.  I said then stop treating me like I am your live in maid.  I am over worked, underpaid and very unappreciated.  The last got me fake as hell sympathy hugs... 

Can't say I've had it because I think as Mom, I'm made to take and take and take all the BS in the world but this mom came with a dispenser. They are going to get home today and uh oh!

Although when they get home today their father might just be here so... and he hates the way they keep my house (I am not the evil mother who wants them to scrub every part of my house... I am the even tempered mother who wants them to clean up with at they mess up. So stop making that face.) 

And that's another thing that kinda irked me this weekend.  I get a text yesterday... "What are the kids doing tonight?" From the ex. 

Now I have no problem with the fact that he moved to NM.  None at all... He's working a job that for once, he really enjoys.  He's making money, which we both enjoy, and the absolute best part... he is at the very least 1,628 miles from me.  (Yes I mapquested it...)  What I can't deal with is the drop ins.  This little woman in Durham demands his presence from time to time (Dude, just send me the money I couldn't give a good giggly dang for your presence) And this presents the opportunity to come see his children.  I don't ever have a problem with him coming to see his children but I told him when he moved out there, DO NOT just show up in NC and expect me to drop everything so that you can see them.  He got here Saturday and didn't tell anyone here that he was here until Sunday.  We actually had plans.  He's like "Well I wasn't sure if I was going to get down there or not."  Dude, I don't care but a little preparation would have been awesome!  A small text: IN NC MAYB C KIDS CALL U L8R would have been fine.  Hell, N NC would have been acceptable.  Then I would have had some forewarning.

It's all copacetic though... He couldn't get a car to come down yesterday anyway.  Apparently now, you need a credit score to rent a car??  IDK, that's a new on me.  So he's supposed to take the train down today to be here later and I think take them out to eat.  I'm not sure if I'm included in that or not.  He usually does include me but I think the kids are old enough that he can handle dinner with them on his own although this time, he has no car so either I let him borrow my moms car, (does anyone else see the warning bells going all crazy?) or I take them, drop them off and go pick them up. (Seriously?  No one else sees those warning bells?)

Oh well, life and all that junk...

BTW, Happy October Bloggies!  Yay, fall is here!!!

Ta ta bloggies  Blog ya later!

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