Monday, October 03, 2011

So my day...

Did not start off as the sunny happy cartoony day where everything goes according to plan... Well, maybe God's plan but certainly not my plan...

but you know that, because I blogged this morning...

So at one, Mommy wanted to go to the YMCA.  She wanted to get on her bike and her circuit and since she paid for a membership that I never actually use and can't drive, she had the perfect guilt trip... right there on a silver platter...

So I went.  Sure I was kicking in screaming inside but oh well.  I got on the exersize bike.  I reset the damn thing three times but I finally finished an hour and burned over 600 calories and rode over 11 and a half miles.  I can tell you what, If I ever get the chance to get on top of a guy again, I will be able to go at it with complete gustp cause my legs got the workout of a lifetime today!

My brain was screaming Yay!!  My body, not so much.  My legs hurt like a mother effer.  OMG, I haven't had that much pain in my legs since... well let's not go there, lol.  But I did it!

Tomorrow there's a Zumba class I'm going to go try.  This exercize thing may not be so bad if I do it often... (To those of you that may or may not be reading this and thinking ur... duh!! SHUT UP, LOL)

But oh the pain!  I just want someone to lay me down and make it go away.  Really I do, I just want all the tightness to just go away...

Randy isn't coming today.  He's coming tomorrow.  Long kinda stupid story but he's trying and I have to give him credit for that.  He deserves that.

I have laundry to fold.  To avoid having to make another trek up Mt. Laundry, I am putting it on my bed as it comes out of the dryer.  Under this pretense I have to fold it before I got to bed.  Of course I came up with this brilliant plan before I went to the Y today...

And yet it hurts the brain to try and come up with a way around this facet of my life...

In other news, My mail carrier has officially pissed me off for what I hope to be the last time.  For over a year I have watched as he comes later and later in the day and sometimes not at all and a couple of times I have spotted him driving right past my cul de sac.  I can actually see me, one person, one household not getting mail for a day or two but six households getting not so much as a flyer??  That doesn't happen.  A few times I or a neighbor put something in the mailbox to be taken and we've put the flag up.  Sometimes he takes it but then on the days when he can't be bothered to come through, he doesn't.  I have complained to the post office both over the phone and in person to no avail, so today, I called the 800 ASK USPS number and the lady there helped me lodge a formal complaint.  Enough is enough.

Why is it that when you give someone the tiniest bit of control over someone's life they always abuse it??  Ugh!

Scattered thoughts later! 

Blogs and kisses!!

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