Okay, see, Sunday is my happy happy joy joy day at work for a couple of reasons. It used to be that way because it meant that I didn't have to see a certain shift leader. Without him the store was like Disney land. With him... eh not so much and a day working with Ambs was like working with any one of the great Disney role models that are just about always calm cool and collected. And that's not me sucking up. I'm serious... On Sundays, Ambs is so chill it's like not work at all. Even if we get a pop, it's no biggie. And after most Saturdays at Howies, Sunday's is a cake walk. Nearly every Saturday at some point in the day one of us (Maybe more, maybe not, usually just me, Boss man has a song I love to hear that I can't write the words here because well, it's not very nice.) want to just lay down in a corner and cry because Sports and Bounce... shudder... makes me tremble just thinking about it... Also I love Sundays because it means that Monday morning, I can totally sleep in so I just have to stay on my feet for a couple of more hours and then get home and Wham! Instant mini Vacation because my bed can claim me for up to 48 whole hours! (You know, unless I'm the on call driver which still means I can sleep in because they never need the on call driver until at least noon by which case 80% of the time I'm up and feeling mostly human by then so it's all good.)
But today! OMG! No, today was so big that it deserves to be written out in all of it's Valley Girl glory. Like, Oh My God to the max! Today was like totally, like crazy!
Okay, enough of the Valley Girl. The older I get the less I can stand to do it, hear it, or think about it.

Today I learned that it is possible to pour two bags of sauce into the lexan at the same time without ending up wearing the sauce like a noob. Have I seen Joe do it plenty of times? Yes. Did I think that it was the coolest thing since like ever? Hell yes! Have I tried it before? Yes. Did I end up wearing most of one bag? Yes. Did a good bit of the rest end up on the make line and the floor? Yes. Did it today? No because I was in too much of a damn rush to think about the fact that I was doing it until after I'd done it. Then Mecklenburg Community Church ordered six pies and I really should have expected it because I took the damn order but when it hit, I had I think two Sports and a bounce... a really BIG bounce (Think eight pizzas and 50 howie wings) on the screen as well as some personal orders.
Oh and the party trays... I got to do TWO party trays today. Notice I said I got to do them not that I had to do them. If you did my job, you'd know that round pizzas and even deep dishes are a dime a dozen and can be done in no time (If you don't complain and need remakes every two minutes... ahem) but a party tray!!! I LIKE those. Two extra larges and I think a small (Might be a junior) all smushed together and sheeted out into a dough tray, this thing is 30 slices, a lot of sauce, a shitload of cheese, and ninety freaking pepperoni! (I just want someone to order that sumbish in a works. Just once! If I don't get to make it, I at least want to see it!) And they the ones I did looked BOSS!! I thought I was on a work high when the owner watched me do one and said it looked good but damn doing two in the space of ten minutes and having them come out looking as good as they did was like an orgasm and a good five hits off a hookah combined with a very good top shelf drink. It was that good.
AND NO ONE LOST THEIR COOL!!! Picture it, four women in one enclosed space and a while lotta stuff going on at once. tensions are going to run high. But no one got pissed off, no one screamed at anyone, no one whined or complained and as soon as Joe walked in, Ambs took the ladle from me and sent me on break. I may have look like I was pissed at that moment, but I so wasn't. My back hurt like a bitch and I was holding that one complaint that I knew would break the good mood. Trust me, I went and sat in my car and my back was like a little baby whining "Thank you God for sitting down!"
We got another pop later tonight. Not nearly as hard but still a good little hit. We ran out of wings. Had enough for one 20 piece order and they got mostly flats and maybe two drums. I found a lone rogue winge under the racks as I was cleaning. It was skinny and scrawny and I know what you're going to ask. Hell yes I popped that thing on a bread tray and sent it through the oven. Best damn thing I ate all night to that point.
So it's now officially Monday. My mini vacay is officially starting. I'm tired. And I have the time card to prove it. See? Look at those hours! I'm a beast man! I did it and I'm still standing like that awesometastic pizza vixen I am! Okay, maybe pizza vixen might be going a little too far.... Nah! I make pizzas and I look damn good while doing it and I'm good at it so yeah, awesometastic pizza vixen. That's me.
Oh yeah... other stuff besides work.
For starters, Kay got asked out on a date. Yes!! My Kay Kay! A date!! I was so floored that I didn't know how to respond. I did tell her that I had to work all weekend so I didn't think a date was a good idea but then an invite to go to the mall showed up for her and I suspected that the boy was going to be there and that was their way of having their "date" but I let it slide. Kids today think that adults my age were never their age and therefore, we are monumentally stupid. But none the less, I let my big girl go to the mall unchaperoned and she did okay. She spent all of her money on her sister and myself and she didn't have the funds to eat and we're working on that whole sometimes it's okay to be a little selfish thing but she had a good time and couldn't stop smiling about it for hours. So I'm okay with it. If she wants to do this again I will just have to make sure she has a little more money to work with. She may still buy stuff for me and her sister but even Kay gets to a point where she thinks she is spending too much and she stops only using more to buy food. So if I send her with a good bit, she will eat and have fun.
This little one on the other hand. Well, that one may not live to see`14... She asked me Friday if she could go to the library to do research on her report with her best friend who this month happens to be named Jaiden. I said fine but didn't know how they were going to get there. Jaiden's mom came and picked her up and because I had to work late that night said that Livy could spend the night (I kinda like my kids friends' parents) I said okay and went on to work. Saturday I told Kay to ask Livy via text what time she'd be back so that my mom could pick them up and Livy informed the both of us that she had taken TWO sets of clothing and she was spending the weekend not just Friday night.
Take a moment to think about who this chick just informed she was spending a weekend. THink about that. Relax, I let it go. She's not getting off scott free though. She doesn't know it yet and she won't notice until it's way too late, but she is about to catch it for that. As soon as I have had some time to rest and think and plan.
A little parenting advice: Never punish when you are tired or on the spur of the moment. Always sleep on it. Always think about it. Always weigh your pros and cons and then just after you have lulled your child into a false sense of security where they think that you've forgotten because you're... well old (I mean come on, we had rotary phones, we're like, ancient!) then WHAM! hit them with that well thought out punishment and watch them crumble.

I would use my customary "Stay Frosty" but we are under a winter Storm watch for the one inch of snow we are expecting. Oh don't get on me I know I'm a true northerner. I've been here long enough to know that snow turns to ice really quick here and people turn form moderately crappy drivers to really shitty ones in a heartbeat.
So get toasty with your special one (or pillow) and cuddle up (or burrow under your covers) Gather the ones you love close to you and make hot cocoa and watch crappy cheesy movies (or play hours of Rock band) Take time to hold the ones you love close because one day you might wake up and they are gone and you will only have your memories of them to keep you warm at night.
Stay Warm, loves. Scatterbrain Dette Loves you!
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