Friday, December 23, 2011

The great wall of distrust...

I have this theory that one day, the great wall of distrust is going to be one of those wonders of the world that you can see from space.  There's just going to be so many bricks added to it that one day the collective distrust of women everywhere is going to be viewable from space and no man on earth is going to be able to mount it. 

That's not to say that men don't have their wall of distrust.  I personally think that women who abuse the trust of men only do it because sometime in their life a man abused their trust.  Okay some of those women.  Some women are just hoochie bitches.

I only know that my portion of the Great Women's Wall of Distrust is pretty significant.  It spans years...

First my Dad.  Not saying he wasn't there.  For some of my youth, he was there.  But he left.  And after he left he wasn't there.  I have some really awesome memories of being with my dad.  He was awesome when he was there but it was the times that he wasn't there, the times when he didn't show, the times that he didn't call, and the times when he put his step children above me that made me think that men that can walk away from their children like that, are just awful.

Then there was an incident in High School that was enough to make me think that teenage boys are scum.

Then there was the jackass that raped me in college... And the powers that be that declared it was not rape but in fact me just changing my mind about a sexual encounter as all college women are apt to do... Forgive me my scoff...

Then there was the ex who needless to say destroyed about 90% of the trust I had left.  He didn't really try, he was just himself and that's what hurt.  I mean at some point he did actually try to hurt me but he mostly destroyed the trust and added bricks to the wall on his own, just being himself.

Recently another male has added bricks to the wall but not really enough that I should count him amongst the actual mass of the wall...

But that's a whole nother blog...

So,a new guy has helped alot with that.  He may help take some bricks out of the great wall of distrust actually.  We will see.  Only time will tell...

But yeah... I just have that theory that one day the collective distrust of women everywhere will create an actual wall that can be seen from space.  Thoughts?

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