Sunday, November 27, 2011


So the last I blogged, I think I was feeling like a speed bump in a truck parking lot... Well Thanksgiving went okay.  We didn't go to the parade because well, forty degree weather with a woman that seriously sounded like she was trying to pull her lungs out of her mouth, a.k.a. me.  It was just a bad thought all around and the very night before when I was on the phone with Mommy I had one hell of a coughing fit and she relented.  So no parade.  I promised her that next year I would not be sick so we would go.

So I took the turkey, the kabobs, and whatever else I needed to bring over to Mommy's place and we had a good time.  We ate, we talked, the kids got to watch television, it was all good.  I also made one of those promises to my mother that I really shouldn't have to make but I'm way glad I did... I promised her that Friday morning, I was going to get up and go to the ER.

Well if Thanksgiving night didn't prove to me how much I needed to go, nothing would.  I was up ALL NIGHT hacking and wheezing and when I finally got an hours sleep, I woke up suffocating because of my post nasal drip.  (They need to find a better description for that... that just sounds yucky) So Friday morning, around nine I just couldn't take it anymore and I hopped in the car and went to the ER.  Well first I went to Presbyterian but they have finished the ER entrance and I was directed to it but on the way a little voice inside my head said "Fool you have medicaid and they keep telling you to go to CMC, why not listen to the for once?"  So I went to CMC.

The waiting room was deserted and I got in quickly.  Now getting to see the DR.  That was an hour or so wait.  The ER had filled up by the time I got in there but it was no big deal they had QR codes everywhere and I had fun using my phone to try and read them, which BTW, while this is a great way to amuse yourself, their QR codes can only be read by their QR scanners.  So then I played cut the rope on my phone and when the battery started to die, I plugged it up and began to read.  Oh yes I come prepared with ish to do in the ER.  When you have been here as many times as I have, you learn to occpy yourself.

Aside note, on my way to the hospital I passed by my friendly local Occupy Charlotte camp and OMG.  Suffice to say I would have given up and gone home long LONG time ago.  A more unsanitary place I have yet to see.  It looked like the one camp ground on my old Girl Scout campground that we didn't use because it was just grody.  They have NO showers, NO toilets, and nowhere to dump the waste they have to get rid of when the local businesses deny them their bathrooms which they have already done.  The government buildings it seems can't deny them access to their bathrooms when they are open so they go there but on weekends and holidays the occupiers have to depend on the local business and they have decided an basic unanimous eff you and have ALL put up signs stating no business, no bathroom.  They said some of the campers do have money so they are okay but most do not  The camp just look disgusting.  I couldn't do it.

Okay back to me. So the Dr. finally comes in and she listens to me and looks at me and I tell her how I've been feeling and what I've been doing and she says I have bronchitis.  She prescribes me Prednisone (My head and heart dropped any asthmatic HATES being on this for any stretch of time), Claritin, Albuterol, a Z pack, and a cough medicine that makes me sleepy.  They gave me my first dose of everything right there in the ER which I didn't notice until much later, I felt better already.  Despite the fact that I had taken prednisone. She also gave me a list of Dr.'s that take medicaid.  So I'm feeling good, I have a lead on a Dr. and my mom is happy.  It's like the freaking trifecta and I'm loving it.

The only thing that could possibly make anything better right now is if I didn't have to be alone on Christmas.  I've sat here and thought about it and not one year, can I remember Randy being there at Christmas for the kids.  I mean he was certainly never there for me any day but you know, just once I think I would like to curl up with someone in front of the tree and see where it goes.  Maybe draw a hot steamy bath in my mega huge tub and play a little.  Hmmm....

I'm kinda at a conundrum because I really want a laptop for Christmas as well and I usually only harp on one thing to Santa... I think the man might just have to wait until next year because I really want the laptop that I know I'm not going to get.  I really really really want a laptop.  You have no idea how much...  Like five times more than I want a man, and that's saying something really major right there...

Eh, whatever... Well, happy Thanksgiving.  I hope it was happy for everyone.  Love you!

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