Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Parents killing their kids...

I can say this probably because I'm done having children so I might be looking at this from a kinda warped point of view, but I really think the government should get involved with reproduction. 

We've all seen it in the sci fi movies and movies about what the future would/could be like...

Reproduction is handled by the government.  They give you the permission and they give you the means and so on.

I'm not sure how they would take away our God given right to reproduce but I really feel it should be done.


Because way too many unstable people are out there hving kids.

Everyday, you read about someone who left her kids in the bathtub to drown, or today i read about a woman that threw one child out of a window and was shot by police because she wouldn't stop stabbing her five year old.  What the fuck is going on with parents these days.

Don't get me wrong, I so fully understand SOME of the motivation it takes to want to do very bad things to kids sometimes.  Like when my kids eat ALL the food in the house without regard to maybe I'd like to eat to.  I want to rant and scream and throw things.  When my kids use the walls as poster and chalkboards I want to paint them into the wall.  But I never, repeat NEVER want to end their lives.  Not even the night that Jovaughn and Kayla went over the walls in Jovaughn's room with black sharpie and black crayon the night before my Navy move out inspection did I want to kill them.  Not when JOvaughn cut Kayla's hair so short the child looked like a little boy with a small fro for over a year did I want to kill him.  Do very bad things like spank until my hand bled, yes, wrap my hands around their throats until their lives subsided, HELL NO!

I honestly believe that if the government had some kind of control over breeding and reproduction things would be a lot different.  The screening process to be allowed to have a child would be worse than one to adopt a child today.  This being said, very few people would pass and I am going to include myself post marriage.  Pre marriage I probably still wouldn't have passed because it was all kind of idyllic to me but post marriage I wouldn't pass because I have some serious mental issues.

 This has got to stop.  Parents have to stop having mental breakdowns and hurting innocent children.  Okay so sometimes they act like the spawn of satan.  That doesn't mean you go build an alter of fire out back and give the kid back to the flames of hell.  It means you take a step back and breathe, and come at the kid from a different mental angle or if you can't.  You honestly can't, you need to at least try to hold on to the mental capacity big enough to go away. 

What can I say?  There's no right way to parent no matter how many women strap on a cardigan and a string of pearls and go on television and give you tips.  There's no right way to be a mom or dad, but there are a million wrong ways and there are people out there that are willing to help save your children from one of those wrong ways.  Take your kids to a neighbor!

If someone were to pull into my driveway and knock on my door and say "My kids are the spawn of Satan and I need you to take them away from me right now, I would ask for names, give you a crazy look while I'm dialing 911, get your kids situated and make sure that no one was in a position to get hurt.  Why?  Because I understand what it feels like to snap. 

Sigh... I've got nothing left.  I was probably going to go on for a while but the I went on Facebook and someone made me laugh and it was forgotten.


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