Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Life's not fair... Fine, I'll accept that...

...but that by no means, that I have to like the ass-reaming I'm getting...

So we all know that the ex moved to New Mexico last month, right?  I don't have to update anyone?  Well I just sorta did but whatever... The company put him in an apartment and said it was all good until he found one.  Well in typical RPH style, he has to live like champagne on a city punch budget.

His rent is close to a grand for a probably two bedroom apartment.  This means that paying his child support is one of the things he will have to let slip every other five seconds of his life.  I mean who cares if your kids don't have a place to live so long as you have a place with Granite counter tops, wall to wall carpeting, a washer and dryer included, and a panoramic view...  Of course this was actually his last apartment before he moved to NC but still...

He is now four months behind... I think.... it might actually be five.  The state won't let me check the balance because he's made one payment which changed the page to show that and that only.  I asked the very nice lady with the very unintelligible Southern accent how to enforce that he pay his child support and she very kindly told me that the state isn't going to go after him until he is Three Thousand Dollars in the hole!!!!!!!

This was one of those moments that I had to hold onto my tongue to not blurt out WTF!  Three thousand dollars in the hole??  At three something a month it would take him over a year of nothing to get to that point.

Right now, my bill collectors are being very kind.  I mean VERY kind to me.  I haven't been able to pay anything for three months now.  Every day I wake up to lights, hot water, and my heat clicks on (I warm the house for the kids showers) I want to fall to my knees and thank every GOD in creation.  It really really is a miracle. 

I'm not even going to go into my social life.  One because it's unimportant and two because there is none.  He however has a very full one.  He goes to fast food restaurants, he's been to the movies at least twice, and once he was out shopping.  He even had the nerve to put me down as a contact for his Aaron's rent to own furniture.  He better be Sooooo glad they never called me...

It's true what they say... girls do marry their fathers.  I heard that when I was a little girl and I said Eeeewwwww.  Hell no.  Would never be me.  But then I did.  My father is a deadbeat dad, (Or was he's a little better at it now, I've gotten a birthday email two years running now.)  Randy may not be completely deadbeat but damn is he coming close.  My dad never paid one damn cent of child support.  Randy pays it whenever he can't get out of it.  My dad could go months  without calling or hearing from me when I was growing up. Randy can go a month without talking to his kids and then he turns it around and accuses me of not letting them call...

I want to go out.  I want to be able to live a little but I want to pay my bills more.  I know I wanted to go see Lion King in 3D but how can I justify that when I'm not ven sure my lights will be on the next morning, you know?

I have a friend that always used to say "Fuck me running with a chainsaw."  You know, this is exactly how I feel right now.  LIke someone fucked me with a chainsaw while I was running...

Hmmmm.... What can you do?

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