Thursday, August 04, 2011

Less than 48 hours...

So yeah, my kids have now been home for a little less than 48 hours.

I love them dearly, but I'm kinda ready to give them back now.

Don't worry this is a daily feeling.  I bounce from it to "I'm so glad to have my babies home" in the span of an hour multiple times a day.  I still love them and while I cry when their Daddy pulls out of my driveway, I am always happy to see them return home.  Always.

They scare my cat.  Hell they scare me.  I sent them to their father for a little over one month.  I sent them as children and he returned them as near teenagers.  My son, Holy Damn!  He was standing at my shoulder when he left on June 22nd and when I got him back, the boy is now standing at my chin and very nearly looking me in the eye.  My baby girl, let's not go there.  It's a running joke in our family that whatever clothes you buy Livy, she will be able to wear them for YEARS.  I'm serious, she can fit into something she had when she was five (And does so regularly... I think I may be at the start of a problem here...) Well, not anymore.  She can still fit some of her clothes from a few years ago, but her butt popped and well as she gained a half a foot.  So those shorts that were getting too small now scream HOOTCHIE MAMMA!  I mean damn!  She wears these only in the house now.  She tried to get out of my house wearing them yesterday... she didn't make it past the stairs.  And Kayla!! Wow.  She slimmed down a little bit this summer.  She's about to slim down some more because we're all going to start taking walks and running and whatnot.

I missed my kids.  I really did.  And while I may have moaned and complained  about my loss of freedom once they come back I'm still glad they are back.  I missed them.

Of course I really didn't loose that much freedom.  They are all ten and above now so Mommy can date and hang out with her friends for a little while now.  They can stay home for a bit and it's all good.

Even if their dad decided to take that job in New Mexico.  Yep, you heard me.  New freaking Mexico.  As in across the country.

Wait see, you might be taking that last to mean I'm not happy as a fat kid in a candy store reading a sign that says 'EVERYTHING YOU CAN CARRY FOR A PENNY!"

I am jumping for freaking joy!  He's moving ACROSS THE COUNTRY!!  I don't have to do the, "I'm coming to get them on Saturday" calls on Thursday anymore.  HE actually has to plan to see them and give me massive advance notice.  He's not in the same state as me!  I love my life!

Sorry had a rush of emotion.  I just wanna cry I'm so happy.

Now if I could just get my personal life to line up as nicely, I could just fall out right here with a smile... No wait, I did that last week when he said he was taking the job... Oh well, I'll find an equally exuberant way to celebrate.

My son starts football tonight. I'm not sure how I feel about this.  He's already strong, this will make him stronger.  HE can already outrun me when he gets in trouble, this will make him faster.  So far the only good side I'm seeing to this is that it will help work on his asthma and he will get slimmer. (Of course this will mean that Daddy will have to buy new clothes which he will do happily if his son looses weight...)  I just have to find an activity for the girls.  Kayla wants ballet and Livy wants to do karate and or kick boxing.

I'm wondering should I be concerned that my ten year old wants to learn kickboxing... hmmm

So okay, back to writing I go.  Oh yeah, I'm writing again!  Isn't that cool?  I think I am actually going to send it to an agent this time.  I'm going to work hard on getting published.  I've made it one of my goals...

Claudette is signing off for the moment... I may or may not be back with more happy gushy moments!

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