Hang on, my mom just got abducted by aliens... I told her to stop playing with the telescope...
What was I saying? Oh yeah no posts... Whatever.
So yesterday, the ex hubs came to take us all out for Kaylas birthday. We all went to Concord Mills for the day, then back to my moms for cake. Took the girls' friend Juriah with us, OMG! Loud!
Can whoever has my parenting guide for dummies please send it back?? I need to do some reading... I so did not know girls could be so damn loud. And the giggling. Someplease tell me they grow out of that soon...
My mom just got returned from outer space... Shes not happy yet she wants to do it again.. Hmm.
Ugh! Livy is sick, but its to be expected. Ms. I dont need my sweater cause I'm too cute to be covered up now has a mild fever, headache, sore throat and a stuffy nose. I so saw that coming...
Randy bought cold meds yesterday while he was here. Yippie! He also bought the girls coats, laundry stuff, and a couple of odds and ends I needed.
The nanny is watching me sleep. Stalker much, lady??
I think I am going to cancel my date Tuesday with Ty. I'm getting a not so nice vibe from him and I spend our few conversations fighting the urge to drive over to him and smack him.
He refuses to understand that I HATE being called baby. Hate it with probably the same passion that drove Hitler. He has not yet called me by my name. I asked him where he wanted to meet for lunch for our first date and he promptly answered at his house... Yeah uhm... I don't think so! So when I got him to understand it was public or nowhere, i asked him what he liked to eat. His response... "Beef, No pork, chicken, seafood, and you." Oh yeah, you read that right... So I'm thinking he didnt get the message that I am a lady, not a booty call hoe.
No stress. If he was interested, others will be and somewhere out there is a man that will see me as a lady and I will get my happily ever after.
As for the other issue in my life, eh... One friend is attempting the build a bridge project and I will meet her halfway when i go back to facebook. I always planned to. The other friend... Well now theres a sticking point. Shes just as stubborn as I am. (In Retrospect this is probably why we got along in the first place...) so she won't call and neither will I. I already admitted i took the statement wrong, and I apologized for my outburst. That is as far as I am willing to conceed so eh...
Again no stress.
The nanny is still watching me sleep... I need to wake up, she creaping me out.
On the job front, I have given it some real thought and I have decided I want to go to culinary school. Maybe after that people will stop telling me I am over qualified.
Do you like my possitive attitude? I am getting a jump on my New Years resolution to stay sunny. There is no point to being down about stuff I cannot control so I refuse to. So what if its cold outside, i have heat. So what if the kids are driving me batty, I was kinda halfway there already. Besides when I am angry I bake. In great quantities. And children flock to my door for it. They bang on the door, they ring the doorbell, they look in the windows.
Oh goody I am awake and get peaches for breakfast...
I also clean and get crafty until my fingers numb up. This is not good cause now i have a half a trillion pieces of jewelry... And vast quantities of very odd flavored bread. (The Book I have has everything from cajun spice bread to orange bread balls.)
Woman let me out of the high chair...
Okay, moms home from work, nanny go by bye. Time to age into a child.
I am going to sign off now, its a quarter to one...
By the way, I was playing the sims2...
Single and Blogging is going to stay single and sunny for a bit. Lets see how long that goes...
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