Tuesday, May 04, 2010

So today...

Today I went shopping.  I ran to two different stores and got everything I needed and put food in my house and I will have you all know, that I got real food not quickfood.  Well I did corner the market on SPAM but hell it's probably more for me than them.  It's something I can cook when I get home from work and slap on a bagel but so what.

I saw a car catch fire today.  It was oddly cool but oddly disturbing.  Just six or seven years ago, that was me.  I was on the Highway 35 circle and I smelled this horrible burning rubber smell and I first thought it was me mainly because I'm a paranoid person who always thinks that the bad stuff in life is only happening to her. (Seriously?? You haven't figured that out yet?  Shame on you!  Stop reading now and go sit in the corner.) But then I realized it was coming from around me.  The car in front of me passed a dark spot and I say the smoke and I started honking.  Knowing what it was because like I said, I lived though it, I tried to get the drivers attention.  Apparently a warning bell must have gone off in the car or he realized why I was honking or whatever.  He started to pull over and I went slow thinking I will pull up behind him put him in my car with all my food and get him away from the car.  But did he stop?? NO!!!  He kept driving.  Thankfully he pulled into a Napa auto parts and I figured okay he's around car people they'll get him to safety.  I started to drive by.  As I passed I saw a flame.  I am so glad it wasn't me this time.

Nothing of real consequence happened today.  Or rather nothing else.  I went shopping, I came home.  I put food away.  I have food in my house.  I have salad in my house.  I am going to eat salad. 

So NCIS is on... I am a diehard Gibbs person.  My mother hates Tony.  Too egotistical. 

I have dreams about being on NCIS.  In my imagination I am a British royal spy agent transferred to NCIS to help them catch some guy and Gibbs is so impressed by me that they keep me at NCIS.  Then I am kidnapped by a sheik in the middle east who wants to impregnate me because I have some special blood that been rumored to be immune to all diseases. but Gibbs rescues me and then I find out that I am pregnant and the brother oft he sheik (That is now the sheik because of course Gibbs killed the one that kidnapped me) knows that I am pregnant and wants to take over where his brother failed and force me to marry him but Gibbs steps in and marries me himself.  We have a fake marriage and then the baby is born and I decide to go my own way but he's decided he likes me and wants me to stay and we have a real marriage but marriage to Gibbs is like marriage to a brick wall with a cute face and I leave and he hates it.

I usually wake up then.  I never know if he comes to England to get me.  I never know how it ends. 

I have an unusually active immagination.   I also have way too much down time on my hands.  I need to fix this but until a solution comes along, I will continue to dream.

NCIS is getting good.  I am going to go watch!  BYE!!

Single and blogging is dreaming of her Gibbs!

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