Blog, Blog, Blog...
Good lord I am bored. I miss my best buds and I'm annoyed that after two years among them, I'm still not even considered for a group get together, but oh well, life is life and at this point it's like high school They are the A squad and I'm the band geek again. Whatever. I have given up on them and as of this moment, I have given up on the guy. Yep.
So I had a blog that I was going to post this morning but I think I gave up halfway through because it was sorta aimed at people who would know it was aimed at them. Sometimes the victims of my rash sarcasm aren't as dumb and oblivious as I make them out to be.
It was about one of my most hated "isms" Ghettoism.
I admit it, I sat and watched about three hours of MTV cribs this afternoon and I was disgusted beyond belief. One guy didn't even know his way around his home and I suspect that he had either rented it for the MTV cribs or just bought it. One guy was just a hick, and then there was Fantasia... OH LORD! Her reading may have improved but her taste obviously had gone lacking. She had ebony African animals all through her house INCLUDING the pair of cheetahs on the dining table. Yes I said on. They face the head of the table like they're going to eat the food. She said she hasn't gotten to Africa to go see the animals so until she could she was going to put statues of them all over her house. Hello America's next top Illiterate has been!! You made a whole bunch of money off that stupid lifetime movie, Get on a plane and go see the damn animals...
Honestly... And then there was this guy that walked around saying, "Follow your boy" when he wanted the cameras to follow him. Negro, you are not my boy! I don't even know your name. Or the guy that had to say "LNow what I'm saying?" or sorry, "Gnomesayin?" at the end of every sentence or the Puerto Rican who thought that somehow, the florida sun had turned him into a black man. A worse wigger I've never seen.
Why, Lord, why do we allow these people to live?? Why can't the be born with a blinking indicator that they are going to annoy the educated world with their ghettoness. We can just suffocate them and no one would have to swallow masses of Excedrin to forget them.
I am truly my mother's daughter. She was an English teacher and she taught me well. The slightest bit or ill-educated speaking sounds like nails on a chalkboard.
Ghettoism annoys me almost as much as Valleyism. Damnit! IF you want to say like every three words then go live in the damn valley where no one will have to suffer their ears bleeding!
Sorry, in a bit of a mood today. Went to get my food stamps fixed today so was up early and crashed between one and four so of course, I'm not tired and I'm going to have to take one of my PM meds to get to sleep.
Ugh... I'm tired but not tired.
Oh god! Southpark is on! I have to turn the channel BRB. Okay I found Phineas and Ferb. Don't look at me that way! I know it's a cartoon but I happen to enjoy it!
So I'm going to go and watch my cartoon, eat my pringles and drink my iced tea.
Single and blogging is going to make herself tired.
Hello America's next top Illiterate has been!! You made a whole bunch of money off that stupid lifetime movie, Get on a plane and go see the damn animals... ROFL I have thought the same thing HUNDREDS of times! These people make me CRAZY!