Sunday, April 26, 2015

So quickie....

I'm tired and I'm about to take it down.

Nothing has really changed in my life.  Still no man (I've pretty much given up on that to tell you the truth...), still have an awesome job, and have not yet had a decent night's sleep.

I really honestly thought that blogging about it would help since writing out what's wrong has usually worked in the past but nope. I still feel the bullet, I still feel the car crushing me, and I still wake up shaking, crying, and sweating.  I even told my boss about it and he tried his damndest to convince me that it's just a dream.  by tried to convince me I mean tried to get it into my subconscious mind because I couldn't get past me feeling it.  If I didn't feel it, I would be able to cope a little better.  If I didn't have a constant migraine in the exact spot that the bullet hits my head all the time I might be able to convince myself that this is just a dream.

I have to admit, I am almost down to calling Dr. Patel and asking him for a referral to a psychologist...  I don't know though... This sounds like one of those dreams that gets you locked up for 72 hours on a psyche watch and or a thorazine drip.  The LAST thing I need right now is for medical professionals to think I'm crazy.

Had a bit of a scare yesterday.  My neighbor calls and I missed it so I texted her and said I was at work what was up and she responded with CMP which is call me please so I knew it had to be important.  My next door neighbor got robbed... again.  This is the 3rd time in like three years.  On one hand I am so sorry it happened to her, but on another hand that I am keeping behind my back, I am so glad it wasn't me.  The first time I got robbed, Randy wanted me to move.  The second time I got robbed Randy pretty much demanded I move.  I'm pretty sure if I am unlucky again, he will do what he's been threatening to do and tell the courts that I insist on living in a place that is unsafe for his children.  You scoff.  Yes, he picks and chooses when to act like the concerned dad but the fucker picks and chooses his moments very well.

Sigh... Oh well...  It's time to try and get some sleep.  I wonder how long I will be able to manage to keep my eyes closed this time.  Last night I got about six hours but I got it in 45 minute spurts.

Seriously, I would trade the images in my head for one boring silence anytime...

That's my attempt at being funny.

Goodnight bloggers!!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

I should go to bed.

But I just can't make myself lay down.  For the past month or so I have had this recurring dream/nightmare that has either kept my brain awake or woken me from a sound sleep.  I shouldn't let it bother me because I know it's not real but the thing is more than a few times when I have dreams so vivid and recurring, parts of them come true.

It's gotten so bad that it's physically manifesting itself on me now.  At least I think that it is.

The thing is, I keep having a nightmare that I get shot in the head.

Yes, you read that right.  I get shot in the head.  Right behind my left ear.

I've had the dream from so many points of view it's almost like watching a crime drama unfold.  At first I thought it was a story trying to manifest itself in my mind but when I tried to write the images I saw and things I heard, I started to shake.  So violently that I nearly fell out of my chair.

When I see it from my POV, I'm in my car driving on Sugar Creek road just before it turns to Browne road. here in Charlotte.  I'm listening to Becky G's Shower and I'm coming around the bend just past Browne's Ferry when I hear a pop followed by the most intense pain I have ever had in my head.  Worse than almost any migraine so far and I have had some whoppers.  And you would think that that would be where my POV ends, but it doesn't.  I'm alive long enough to feel it when my car veers off of the road into a light pole.  First I feel the horrible shake on top of the pain in my head and slowly a crushing feeling that comes up from my legs until it merges with the pain in my head and it all goes dark and then boom, I'm awake.  Usually in a sweat and more than likely shaking.

When I see it from the shooters POV, and yes I have had that unfortunate happening.  He cocks a shot gun and takes aim.  I can hear his heartbeat which is eerily calm until he sees the wreckage and realizes that instead of scaring me like I think was his intent, he's more than likely caused serious injury.  I'm not sure but I don't even think he realizes I'm dead of that he actually hit me.  I never see more than what feels like five minutes.  I have also felt like I was me in his brain and I kept on screaming to stop that he was going to hit me and I was going to die but it doesn't matter.  He takes aim and shoots.

The most heartbreaking POV is the scariest one of all.  I'm nothing.  Floating above it all but yet somehow able to move around and see faces.  And the face I see scares me so bad.

It's John.  And his face just has this look on it that I can only describe and hurt, anger and complete disinterest combined.

A few weeks ago I was making brownies for a coworker and had some an remembered how much his roommate loved my brownies.  I called and he said come by.  I told him I can't because I don't want to see him.  That's what I said.  I should have said what I really wanted to say was that seeing him probably would have made me shit my pants because I had had the dream from the nothing POV and my own by then.  When I went to take bob the brownies, I already knew that John was the shooter.  

Part of me said that I took Bob the brownies hoping to see him to put my fears to rest that he wouldn't look at me with the hate I saw on his face in my dream and I would be okay.  What the rest of me was thinking by going over there I don't know.  Once I sent the text offering Bob the things I couldn't very well renig....

But then he showed up at work.  For reasons I don't care to explain here not that I know all of them but when he walked down the storefronts towards me I froze.  To those that had no clue about my nightmare I just looked shell shocked to see a man that I care/d so much about but I froze because of the look on his face.  It was the same look.  How do you make your body move when you are scared frozen?

I can't do this anymore.  I have a constant migraine that spreads from the exact spot that I get shot at.  I can't even listen to the song Shower anymore because when she gets to "You light me up inside..." For the last three lunch runs on Wednesday, I have started going down David Cox all the way to Olde Statesville and up to Huntersville because I'm afraid to drive that stretch of road.  If I have a delivery that forces me to drive it, I grip the wheel so hard my knuckles turn white and or I speed through there like the devil himself is on my ass.  One day I'm going to get pulled over and if he stops me right there...

It's bullshit.  I'm mad and scared out of my mind in every conceivable way and blogging about it is my last ditch attempt at making it go away.  It fucking sucks that I have no one to talk to that won't look at me like I'm nuts and tell me to grow up or to just let it go.  If it was that easy to let it go, don't they think I would have???  If it was that easy to admit it was a dream and move on doesn't reason say I should have done so by now???  So far I've made myself say out loud that it's a dream.  I have managed not to show that driving that stretch is affecting me that bad.  I've managed to stay talkative and pretend like nothing is wrong but with me getting little to no and broken sleep, I'm pretty sure that my cracking up is imminent.

Have you ever felt like a porcelain doll with a milion crack already on your face and you realize that it's only a matter of time before everything just falls apart?  I've become that doll.  At this point, I'm waiting for everyone else to see the cracks.  That or just waiting for the day when I shatter.

Sit. Worry.  Wait.  Sit.  Worry.  Wait.

Well, the sleeping pills I've take for tonight are starting to kick in.  Maybe I can manage to stay asleep for more than two hours a click this time.

Please God make this go away.  At the risk of never having another original thought in my head again, just make it all stop.  The voices, the images, the vivid dreams.  I would trade it ALL away for five moments of boring sanity.

Just five minutes.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

So it's been awhile... I'm not going to do a serious blog right now...

Things I've Learned From My Children

1. A king size waterbed holds enough water to fill a 2000 sq. foot house 4 inches deep. 

2. If you spray hair spray on dust bunnies and run over them with roller blades, they can ignite. 

3. A 3-year-olds voice is louder than 200 adults in a crowded restaurant. 

4. If you hook a dog leash over a ceiling fan, the motor is not strong enough to rotate a 42 pound boy wearing Batman underwear and a superman cape. It is strong enough, however, if tied to a paint can, to spread paint on all four walls of a 20 by 20 foot room. 

5. You should not throw baseballs up when the ceiling fan is on. When using the ceiling fan as a bat, you have to throw the ball up a few times before you get a hit. A ceiling fan can hit a baseball a long way. 

6. The glass in windows (even double pane) doesn't stop a baseball hit by a ceiling fan. 

7. When you hear the toilet flush and the words "Uh-oh," it's already too late. 

8. Brake fluid mixed with Clorox makes smoke, and lots of it. 

9. A six-year-old can start a fire with a flint rock even though a 36-year-old man says they can only do it in the movies. 

10. Certain Legos will pass through the digestive tract of a four-year-old. 

11. Play Dough and Microwave should never be used in the same sentence. 

12. Super glue is forever. 

13. No matter how much Jell-O you put in a swimming pool you still can't walk on water. 

14. Pool filters do not like Jell-O.

 15. VCR's do not eject PB&J sandwiches even though TV commercials show they do. 

16. Garbage bags do not make good parachutes. 

17. Marbles in gas tanks make lots of noise when driving. 

18. You probably do not want to know what that odor is. 

19. Always look in the oven before you turn it on. Plastic toys do not like ovens. 

20. The fire department in Austin, TX has a 5-minute response time. 

21. The spin cycle on the washing machine does not make earthworms dizzy. 

22. It will however make cats dizzy. 

23. Cats throw up twice their body weight when dizzy. 

24. The mind of a six-year-old is wonderful.