So okay, we ALL have those friends that step into and out of relationships like they do fresh underwear. Admit it, we ALL do. It's annoying at times but generally, unless you are somehow in the middle of it all, you don't really pay it that much attention, right?
But what do you do about that one person that step in and out of MARRIAGES like they do fresh underwear??
I have two of them actually. Seriously. Two. And they are totally unrelated I think the only link between the two of them is me... They don't know each other, don't even know the other walks the planet. But they are so damn similar that could be related.
They are both God fearing, and by that, I mean at least five times a day I am subjected to a sermon in one form or another should I chose to click the link or actually read the post. When both of them post something personal on Facebook neither of them include ANY actual incriminating names or information. And collectively they have been married about 10 times.
You think I'm joking, but I am so deadly serious I could be a heart attack.
They both go through the following phases via Facebook:
1. The posts that lets you know that the marriage they are in is crumbling. I.E. "Times may be hard and the bed may be cold but God is going to see me through this. I know he will."
2. The post that let's you know that God couldn't fix this one. "God give you no more than you can handle, So in this I must be strong and go where he leads."
3. The post that tells you that it's over, finished, done and they are moving on. "Well, god has directed my steps away from this house. Where his winds blow me, I shall go and land in his ever loving arms."
This is followed by the Relationship status notification "XXX has changed their relationship status from "Married" to "Single"
(And no, I am not making these posts up. I am not being sacrilegious. These are ACTUAL QUOTES...)
4. The post that tell you they are ready for the next chapter in their lives. "God has lit my path and I shall follow it."
5. The post that clues you in that they have indeed found another one. "So happy in my life. I knew that I would be fulfilled if I just trusted in HIS word." (To almost anyone I know BUT these two ladies, this would mean they've done something monumental like gotten a degree or a new job or found spiritual enlightenment Not these two...)
6. And then the actual typed posts stop for a moment only to be replaced by massive shares from wedding sites. Rings, Cakes, gowns, shoes. You name it, they share a picture of it so long as it pertains to weddings.
At this point there is never an official engagement announcement or Relationship status update from "Single" to "In a relationship" or "Engaged" but deep down, you KNOW it's coming.
7. And then all of the sudden, out of the blue (Although really, it's not b/c you were expecting it, their Relationship status changes to "Married" Sometimes with a name link, sometimes without.
8. And then virtual silence for about a month. If it's a good one, then give it about three or four months. And then they go back to step one. They may word it differently this time but it's still step one.
So my question is...
At what point do you decide that you either need to say something or just cut them from your Facebook? If you cut them, they will eventually want to know why and you are back to the tell them but if you tell them that you are sensing a serious cycle of self degradation or at worse a horrible cycle of what may actually be lying. (At a few points I have honestly believed that one to four of the marriage proclamations have been false...) then you have lost a friend that at times has actually been an okay friend.
I'm not sure if I do something or just keep a running tally of how many marriages they go through...
And the sad part is believe it or not, they meet and marry men like they are speed dating and I can't even get a date, AND I'M JEALOUS!!! I have NO CLUE exactly why I am but I am jealous of them.
Considering one of said friends is at step 6, I know step 7 is coming. I can only hope for her sake, step 8 doesn't happen this time...