Sunday, October 31, 2010


I am the woman that grew up wearing ponytails and braids because I couldnt do hair and didnt like doing hair and my punishment for this is to have two girlie girls who LOVE to dress up and look girlie. They love makeup and jewelry and earrings and lipstick and my lifelong experience include brushing my hair into a ponytail, smearing vasaline on my lips, putting on jeans and a shirt and hitting the day. How did this happen? Oy! Well back to braiding!

Single and blogging is doing some hair...
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Saturday, October 30, 2010


I think teaching children that blood is way thicker than water is perhaps the most migraine giving, tension building, skin pricking thing in my life these days...

There is a little boy named Zavier across the street that has been tormenting Kayla for three weeks now. I may have blogged with anger about it before but at the moment my anger is spent and I'm actually closer to the tears spectrum. This little boy is in the second grade and feels that it is okay to continue doing what hes doing because Kayla's own sister is too wrapped up in herself to say to him that this is her sister and he needs to stop. Jovaughn is too busy ignoring measly girls to walk over to this kid and tell him to leave his sister alone. Even the girls that claim to be Kaylas friends sit by and let him do this. One of them, the supposed leader, Nyah usually picks the point when Kayla feels the lowest and tealls her she hungry and can Kayla get her a bag of chips.

I have had it. I have alerted the school and I have talked to his father. Or maybe its his uncle. Not to put an aside in here about his family life but theres no one over 30 in that house and it has so many people running through it you'd swear it was grand central. They park all over the lawn and of the guys around here that wear their pants below their butts, the guys there wear them so low I sometimes wonder why the bother putting on pants.

Sorry aside over. I have talked to two adults in thes house, i have talked to a few teachers, i have even gone to the police.

But back to the family issue. Olivia said yesterday, and I'm sure it was one of her many 'slips' but she said, "Zay is my friend but he keeps making Kayla cry." If your sister was constantly made to feel like shit by your friend would you honestly be able to hold your head high and face your sister?? I wasnt lucky enough to grow up with an actual sister but God granted me very wonderful women in my child and adulthood like Andi, Denise, Michelle, Patty, and Carrie to name a few and I would fight to the marrow in my bones for them. If any one of the women I consider sisters ever said to me that someone was making them feel like shit or hurting them in any way, the aggressor would immediately become my most hated enemy and the object of every cuss i uttered until they figured out what was good for them and backed off.

So why cant I get my Oldest and youngeest to realize that when the chips are down and there is no more Mommy, Daddy, or Ome, they are all that they each have. As long as they live, they have a bond that ties them closer than anything. Why cant they understand that? Is the a magic age when they will open their eyes and realize that greedy grasping people are nothing and that the ones that you can call sister and brother (whther god given or chosen) are the ones that make up the vertabre in your spine?

Shaking my head. If there is a way to teach that lesson can someone please point me toward it??

Single and blogging feels like blasting We Are A Family until her kids finally understand...
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Friday, October 29, 2010

Daily blog Oct. 28, 2010

I love phrases like, "Twitter my yahoo until I skype all over your facebook." They really mean one thing but sound so totally nasty. Those are the kind of sentences that cute little females can say drunk or sober and people like me can only say online. Drunk. Drunk online. (People Please let's raise awareness to drinking and facebooking/tweeting/or texting. It is a serious affliction affecting more and more people and making even more laugh. Lets do all we can to keep it going!)

So I think I am as connected as a person can get down here. I have connected my blog to my twitter and my twitter to my facebook, and my facebook to my gmail and my gmail to my actual phone. It's actually still really sad when you examine it up close but thats why I put up the red velvet lines.

No, I am not drinking. I'm just in one of those rare good moods for no reason. Well, not NO reason; i got a two pound back of shrimp at the store (as well as cherry pepsi and a few bags of Dove Chocolates) and tomorrow I am going to have a good old fashioned shrimp fry. And just to clarify, I'm going to eat as many of these things as I can cause the Bayou Girl in me just love her some fried 'scrimps' (I really hate when people pronounce it that way...)

So, I took a good look at Livy today when she dressed for school and I realized, my baby is badly in need of a trip to the girls department for her first real bra. Kayla is also in need of this trip but I cant help but have one of those moments where I look at them and remember the nurse placing them each in my arms. (Okay So the nurse had to convince me I had indeed had a baby with Olivia but I blame the morphine...) They Re not supposed to need things like bras already... Next it'll be the other womanly thing that no mom really wants to face. (Trust Me, you will see numorous drunk tweets when this day arrives.) I also pity Jovaughn with a serious passion when this day comes, cause he'll be the ONLY male in a house full of over hormonal women. Hopefully I will be involved with someone that will take him out for a mans day that day...

Who gave kids permission to grow up? I'm pretty sure that parents are required to sign a permit form allowing them to step into the real world where DORA is annoying as hell and sugar is a sin. I signed no such permit.

As much as I see this as one step closer to that magical day in the year 2019 when I can stand in my living room and watch my kids try to get through the door after I've replaced the locks, I am not happy to see it. I am envious of my friends who are just now having their babies. One because I miss the smell of baby powder and my kids run from it. (It Signals mommy is on a baby kick which means i am going to be extra sappy and extra attentive and they won't get away with shit.) And two because they got to LIVE before becoming mother. True when all of them are up to their elbows in pre teen angst, I can look out of the window (remember I'm changing the locks so they will be outside) and think, "Wow, I am so glad I'm not dealing with that anymore!" I promise to think of you while and wearing my tshirt that says "I survived my kids teenage years!" While on my celebatory cruise to the Carribean.

I'm not ready for them to grow up. It's too soon. Part of me really wants to sit down in the dirt and threaten to hold my breath until they promise to stop it right now and be my babies forever. (The Other part of me is too busy looking up locksmiths.)

Crap, it's after twelve... Time to take it down...

Single and Blogging really envies all of you out there with only boys...
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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Head Voices...

S..o I think I mentioned once how when I read, I have this voice in my head that actually says the words. Up until a few years ago, all I could tell you was that she was female and her accent went to whatever time period and country the story was set in. Well, a few years ago I listened really closely to what the voice sounded like and imagine my surprise to find out that she is quite literally, Ellen Pompano otherwise known as Meredith Grey or Mrs. McDreamy. I seriously had a good phychotic laugh about that. I say phychotic because it was one of those things that dawned on me when I was in a public place and it wasn't a situation that would call for me to bust out laughing but I did. Yeah...

Well something that never dawned on me, Ellen sounds really funny in Irish. I'm reading Tara Road by Maeve Binchy right now and as all books by Maeve are set in Ireland, so is this (sortof, part of it takes place in America) so as is custom, the voice, Ellen, is speaking with an Irish accent.

I haven't quite figured out who the male voice for the male characters is yet but I have hope that I will soon.

Haha! Single and Blogging is reading until her sleeping pill kicks in... G'night!
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Mind working and it wont stop....

So, I just finished Jude Deveraux's REMEMBERANCE, and i wont bore you with the big plot but lets just say that a woman finds out that she cant find love in THIS life because she and her man royally (and I do mean royally) screwed up their chance four hundred years prior and she finds a way to go back and fix it.

Would that I could be so lucky. I hate when Jude pulls me like this because then all I can think of is what did I do to royally fuck up my love life? How can I fix it? Theres gotta be someway to fix it. If its a matter of past lives and curses like in this book, then my past life put a whopper of a curse down. Rather like the undertaker does in WWF. Or did, its been awhile since i watch the great mans soap opera....

Her curse on him was, "may you always love me and want me but never have me!" The resu?t of this was he married her a few hundred years later but could not do do the deed in bed but he still long for her. His curse was "may you never love anyone BUT me" not really so much of a curse but the present day character had a man and let him go because she didnt really love him...

Makes me wonder. Did i lay a smackdown curse on someone and in return i got "may you be attracted to many but tounge tied to all"? I mean a great many (okay to date five) guys have made my mouth water and my knees turn to spaghetti but my tounge swelled up and refused to pass any cohearant sentences so i ended up looking stupid to all of them. (Of Course one of them if the true personification of asshole NO NOT RANDY... He never tounge tied me) and four of them are on my facebook (good luck with that one!) I still ended up looking stupid to them.

No matter how i bat my eyes or the fact that i could get a man to marry me with probably a day of wife like duties (i can so reach a base part of a man with my cooking. Shut up i know its vain but dammit i can cook my ass off) maybe a week to be sure, but not one of the guys i have ever been attracted to looked passed the fact that i was a lot shy word wise, a little chunky looks wise and a little black race wise. (Oh Come off it, grow up where i did and be one of fifty blacks in a sea of caucasians and see if you dont have just a little bit of insecurity and angst... I happen to know that the sheer fact that i am black kept one guy... Yes the asshole one... From giving me the time of day.)

I have never known love, that much is true. I have never been in love. Hell, I have never even been kissed. (You Dont need lips to make babies... A couple gallons of alcohol maybe... But not lips.) I have never even made love. (I Pity any man who is reading this right now because only a woman would understand that last bit. I have had sex to count at least three times (hehe i made a funny) but i have never made love.)

Am I really asking too much to want to be a mans sun moon and stars? To want to be someone's North pole, south paw, left brain and right hand? It looks like i am asking for every single bit of him but he has to understand he will be the same to me as I am to him.

Ah well, like i said, I hate it when Jude draws me in like that. She makes me think. Think about everything. She makes the voices in my head fairly shout at me.

Do you know i think if i could conduct a courting with just written words i would never have a problem? With my hands i can say anything. With my mouth, not so much.

What did i do to piss someone into cursing me like that?? Damn...

Single and blogging is considering seeing a phychic...
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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sleepy blog

Honestly ya'll, i dont know how long i can keep this up... One night i sleep okay, the next two nights i dont sleep at all, so I take a Benedryl to cheat the system and sleep so well I'm giddy then boom the vicious cycle starts all over again only now ive skipped the sleep okay and gone straight to the sleep like crap. It's like musical chairs where every round you take away a chair, well the night of okay sleep just got nixed.

Not that I don't put my sleepless hours to go use..., no, I do, I really really do. At one am, I found out a friend of mine had eloped and gotten married. So I posted on their walls, the posted on mine, then tweeted till i yawned and thought okay maybe sleep was just late, but no, this was one of those whammys the sleep fairy does, yawning but no sleep.

Exactly how does one right whatever wrong they did to the great sleep fairy?? I would really like to know.

When i finally did get my eyes to stay shut i had the same frustrating dream I have been having for the last month. I can honestly say without a shadow of a doubt when i finally dob get married again its going to be cake cause I've walked that damn aisle so many nights I could get married in my sleep. Haha, i made a funny...

The same question is always there. When will it be my turn? Quite litteraly ALL of my friends have now found their true love. A has A, D has S, L has P, B has D, M has V, and P has J. Okay theres one more to go as far as friends are concerned but all of my girlfriends are with someone now. When will it be my turn? I really liked a guy in NJ but i was too shy to talk to him and then i moved.

I know I'm whining but I'm tired so I can be forgiven. I just need to get the kids off to school. Then I can catch two hours of sleep. I have no problem sleeping at eight am but for the life of me sleeping during night hours escapes me.

On the other hand life with my sims is going well, my mother is in college and since my dad never went to college i denied his sim the chance to go which sent him into a SPIRALING depression. I really should be ashamed of myself but watching the man sit on the floor crying and babbling was just too poetic.

I just need to graduate my mom from college and get her to keet my dad and then close my eye until i hear the baby chime and we should be okay.

Is it eight am yet? Are they gone?? Can i go to sleep? Crap its only seven. Time moved much faster when i got up at six thirty and they got up at seven. Now in interest of actually making the school bus before they have to run for it, i get them up at six thirty meaning i have to rise at six fifteen. Oddly i remember getting myself up and dressed when i was J's age. At what age do your kids not need you to supervise so that they dont try to leave the house looking like various versions of Buckwheat??

Did I happen to mention I was sleepy? Yeah I did. So I'm going to sign off and go supervise although Lord knows I am in no shape to do so...

Single and blogging is yawning and feeling like a petulant child right now...
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