Sunday, September 12, 2010

Adult time

So i got to have adult time tonight and let me tell you... Adult time is awesome! I never get to let loose and be me but this time i did and guess what bloggers. I talked to people. I talked to guys. It too a few drinks but I did it. Life is good. I rarely get to have a blog where I am happy so when I get to post one, I will. Yay to Patty and Jeff, they are awesome! Yay to adult times! Yay to life! Tonight almost makes me want to admit my real age!
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Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Snapped pt. 2

(continued Because my phone felt the need to publish in the middle of a sentence).............. Accused me of still having feelings for Randy. Uh, newsflash. He took my technical virginity, he's the father of my kids. Of couse theres soomething there. It damn sure isnt love or affection, though. Its more like aquiesence to the fact that for the rest of my life I have to admit hes alive. I'm not saying that he was the main problem in our marriage. He ownes a good share but then, so do I. We were two very stubborn people who did not under any circumstances want to give. I gave pretty much all of who I was and became someone I thought he could like/love but he gave his heart and other vital body parts to her and gave me his indifference. I was unhappy because he didnt love me. He was unhappy because he was stuck with me. It was both of our faults but I still maintain that a lot of what went wrong could have been fixed if she hadnt batted her eyes and licked her lips in his direction. A woman like that, one who only wants a man after hes just out of reach, thats a tramp. How do I know that she only wanted him then? A little before this all started, I asked Randy why he didnt date her in high school. He said he tried but she didnt want him like that. But suddenly when he was married, she wanted him... Oh well she got him, she even got a kids by him (bloggers I am trying to be nice about the baby but the absolute best I can say is I really hope he grows into his looks. He might just be a very handsome man one day but right now I cant even say cute baby without wondering just how much farther in liars hell I can dig myself) BUT SHE WILL NOT HAVE MY KIDS...... So I am going to end this and probably blog tomorrow with another update. Or tomorrow may just be a happy blog because I went a whole day without hearing the virtues of HER. We'll see..... Single and blogging is going to have a drink....
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Ok, So I kinda snapped a little...

...and Told the kids what I probably shouldnt have as far as the truth about divorce goes. Most parents ease into the birds and bees and why they shouldnt do drugs. I kinda skipped the birds and bees and covered drugs with Myou do and you'll be homeless.' and jumping headlong into the bare raw facts about why daddy doesnt live with us anymore...... To be fair, the kids have been walking around on cloud effing tweleve because they have a new Grandma. Oops, I didn't explain that did I?....... The short of it is that my kids came home yesterday and promptly told me that they have a new aunt, cousins, and a new grandmother namely HER cousins, HER sister, and HER mom. Wait I did cover this... Anyway. It hurts. So tonight, i gave what has to be part thirteen of the riot act to my kids but I ended it differently. After I told the bitter truth about what kind of person she is, I demanded two lists. If shes so great, I want to know why. I want a list of the things I do for them and a list of the things that she does for them. I want to know why shes so effing worthy of the ivory tower...... A thought crossed my mind this afternoon. One more person in my aquaintence
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Monday, September 06, 2010

Let me clear my throat!

I feel the need to scream, bloggers. Really truely scream from my gut. So my kids come backb and Kay has a brand new hairdo. I am not in the slightest bit mad about that. What irked me first off was Kay said her 'aunt' braided her hair. I asked Randy if his sister came down because other than her, the only people my kids call aunt are Andi, Lisa, Patty, and Denise. They arent family by blood but dammit for all the five of us have been through they've earned the title. Hell, Andi is my kidsb Godmother (or reasonable facsimilie of that if something were to happen to me and my mom). He said no it was HER sister. I bit my toungue. We were in a public place so i just swallowed it. The straw that shattered the camels back was that HER mother is to be called Grandma. Say it with me, all together now... OH HELL NO!!!! i waited until dead dad had gotten back on the train and left before i countered that one. Her family is not their family only the baby is their family. I think I may have to go up there and deal with this cause i dont think that lunkhead is going to stop it. When i start having things for the kids to do on weekends he wants them maybe he'll understand but then again this is Randy and that battle may take years. Ugh, Why does this have to be so bothersome?? Why cant the bitch just understand we are not one big happy morman family like on big love??? I dont want her in my world. I tried to do this the adult way but I think I may have to reach down to my inner brat and pull out a few temper tantrums... Single and Blogging is screaming FUCK MY LIFE at the top of her lungs...
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Why me??

I tried bloggers, I tried to wait until I was in person to rail at him for Saturday night, but I exploded over the phone. Do you know that that little... (expletive Deleted) laughed??? he claimes he didnt know what was said. More likely he was waiting for me to lose my top over it. He better be dammed lucky that I wasnt doing it in person because it may have resulted in my being arrested. Seriously this just shows he has absolutely no class and I am actually better rid of him. Classy people and peaople with no class really should mingle. He and his no class girlfriend can have each other. On the bright side i have no kids this thursday through sunday. If i had the means i would try and go up to nj and hang but cant so... My birthday is now in ten days... Gotta say, the prospect of turning thirty one by myself... Not fun... Are you sure you guys dont want to hop in a car and come surprise me?? Just kidding... Okay so i have to go, i have figure out how to get to the amtrak station here... Grrr...
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Sunday, September 05, 2010

Ok Seriously...

I think, bloggers, that I may have to rethink my policy on not cussing people out close to Sundays or on them. Too many people are testing their luck to see just how far they can push me and I'm going to be honest with you, if I go over that cliff, Im taking several people down with me. Most markedly, I am going to take The ex and his girlfriend. I try to be a mild manners person. It doesnt always work, but at least I try. DO YOU KNOW, last night about a quarter to twelve my phone rings. My ringtones are currently messed up so I thought it was my mom with a late night thought. No, it was Randy. He asked me if I was sleep and when I told him no, he handed the phone to HER. Bloggers, what followed was possibly the worst half an hour lesson in no class politics I have ever heard. She talked about the way she gre up, there is no HALF brother or sister. There is only sis or bro. She grew up with three brothers and two sisters and none of them had the same combination of parents. Then she went into she was sorry about the circumstances but its life now and how we have to clear the pink elephant out of the room because we are all related. All the kids have Henderson blood. I AM NOT RELATED TO HER!!!! I dont care if the kids are related. The fact remains that no matter how much time psses and the truth is that my marriage wasnt a happy one, this is still the woman that put a real shit stain on my marriage. I mean what the fuck??? In my family when a dog does his shit, he takes it away so it doesnt stick up the room. I also grew up in a family that doesnt raise (for lack of a better more pc word) other peoples bastards. I know its a bad words but still. It was fine for his family to do that. My MIL raised the son her husband fathered duriing their marriage. Apparently the girls family did the same. I dont care about how they gre up. I have to say, this all shows that neither of them have any class because someone with class wouldnt have done that. I'm floored. I wanted so much to hurt something last night so bad it was ridiculous. I'm just.... WOW...
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Friday, September 03, 2010

Finally, a bed!!

So I called the rental company and asked if since the section 8 guy did the initial inspection, is he going to just check the things that were wrong or was he going to do another full inspection because my mattresses being on the floor was killing my back and she said he was just going to check the bad things, so guess what?? I GOT A BED!!!! i wasted no time in putting this bad boy together and it feels soo good, man, you just dont know! i also put my desk and my tall dresser in here. I have someplace to put my clothes and it is so awesome. Other than that and Randy effing up my day by deciding he was going to come at the ass crack of dawn on the one day i get to sleep in (meaning tomorrow instead of tonight) I'm good. I hope everyone in blog land is as happy as i am this moment! muhwah! single and blogging actually had a good day! Diggit!
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